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Old 14 May 2014, 18:23   #1
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 80
Nmea connections to honda bf115

Hi fellars
Could anyone tell me what is needed to connect a honda bf115 to a chartplotter?

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Old 16 May 2014, 12:30   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4,671
I assume the brochure / manual for the engine says you can?
Also does your plotter read NMEA2000? NMEA0183 engine data isn't supported by many plotters (that I am aware of)

Re: connectiing engine to plotter, and not having the paperwork I'd guess one of these:

1) find where under the lid the "NMEA out" connector is, & plug in.
2) spend lots of money at your dealer to buy the Honda - NMEA interface, and plug in
3) if none of the above, look on Lowrance's website for the various things you want to monitor, then hook them up besopokely. (others do these, but the Lowrance modules are as close to "plug & play" as I've found & I have no idea how tech minded you are)

In more detail:

NMEA200 is a globabl standard, so in theory you should be able to get anyone's widjet to talk to the network. Whether that widget is a thermometer, depth sounder or a data converter for umpteen channels of engine data, if it's NMEA2K, it should work.

1) Will either be on the engine or not. The more modern the engine, the more likely it is to have NMEA2K built in. Your engine's book of words will be the key to finding out.

2) Will either be a Honda or aftermarket converter. Lowrance certainly do them for Suzis & Mercs - Google is likely going to be your friend in this case, as it's the engine end of the interface will be the decider.

3) is what I have done. I have tapped in a pressure gauge on the top of my cooling jacket - I was lucky as Merc put a tapping in for their optional water pressure gauge and my temp sender on the top of my cyl head bolted to a tapping designed for the optional Merc temp gauge.
I then extended my "backbone" to under the lid & T-ed the two modules off there.

There are a couple of companies out there do "whole engine" modules for inboards that are designed to hook into "standard" temp / pressure transducers, and also count pulses to give RPM & the like. The main tech probelm with them is where do you fit the senders and then package the box designed to be screwed to an engine room wall under your cramped outboard lid?

I hope that helps / made sense!
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