I had my doubts about my boat's existing VHF antenna set up with its original 10 year old RG58 coax cable and a 300mm or so short whip antenna.
I checked the output power at the antenna which gave only 11 watts (for 20 watts input at the VHF transmitter) and an SWR of 4.25. Definitely not good, and I believe potentially damaging to my radio.
I've now swapped the RG58 coax for RG213 and installed a half wavelength whip (about 900mm long). The difference is significant. Output power has risen to around 17 watts and SWR has dropped to 1.3. Result

It has to be said though that RG213 is not the most flexible cable to work with.
Simplifying the above figures, before the upgrade my total power loss was 45% and this has now dropped to around 15%.
Maybe not such a big deal if you only boat where there are plenty of other vessels around but they're a bit thin on the ground in my neck of the woods.
Now just have to install AIS to stop the local speedsters from T-boning me! You know who you are