Originally Posted by 9D280
And presumably not a horse that's just finished half a dozen pints of beer......
As another tangentical thought - if you are convcerned with the reliability of a float switch, are there not circuits on the net for "bath alarms" (Maplin £5 project kit kind of thing) which use the change in resistance when 2 bare wire ends are "shorted" by water. - Could modify the kit with a small relay instead of the buzzer. Only possible problem I could see there would be the well is pretty much salty damp all the time & your pump might not switch off.
It's not only the reliability of the float switch, it's the breaks in the line back there to fit it. the bath float idea is theoretically possible as it's been used by other marine systems so the idea is sound, however I want to control the power to the pump from the consol; If I forget to switch it off, it's obvious, Automatic pumps float switches etc have the built in 'option' of flattening batteries.....
Nope the RS (Why so dear?) option is the one I'll go for..
Thanks anyway.
If your down, you can tell me what you think of the final job.
Are you floating yet