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Old 28 December 2015, 19:32   #1
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Overboard - Remote Control--Engine Off

Hi all,

Working on a new important safety device. This device, should you go overboard while your outboard engine is in gear, will shut-down your outboard, without a tether. (That does not mean forget about using the tether).
When I finish the design and have tested it, I'll let my friends here know the real results. That you will have an additional option to shut-down your outboard should rough weather/wave conditions send you into the water with your boat still moving under engine power.
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Old 28 December 2015, 19:51   #2
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Originally Posted by Nightfisher View Post
Working on a new important safety device. .
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Old 28 December 2015, 19:57   #3
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A few such concepts have been discussed here before you may want to do a search. But IIRC the summary of concerns are:

- What makes the device any better than a standard kill cord.
- Issues with standard KC are (a) forgetting or choosing not to wear it (b) UV fatigue (c)accidental shut off when stretching.
- So how does it insure you wear it. Feeling is a WiFi device gets chucked in a locker, when you start the engine it will let you because its on-board
- How does it fair in the elements. This can not fail at the wrong time, either killing engine when you mustn't loose power or failing to when you go over.
- How far can you get from the boat before shut off. Risk of engine strike before shut off?
- How does your crew get back to you? Is there an over-ride or second toggle?
- What if the helm goes to the pub with it in his pocket... can the second mate still use the boat?
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Old 29 December 2015, 09:34   #4
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It must be that time of year again, hang on while I get comfy.
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Old 29 December 2015, 13:57   #5
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Did you see that farmer on bbc going round his land in a boat no cord or life jacket wearing chest waders whoops
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Old 29 December 2015, 15:34   #6
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Originally Posted by willk View Post

That's what he said ....
When you get to the end of your rope..tie a knot and hang on..!!
Aberdovey Ribs
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Old 02 January 2016, 10:56   #7
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Hi all,
Seems we have some jokers amongst the crowd. My unit does the same as the $500.00 dollar device, but will cost me less than a 1/5th of the price. Parts are ordered, including an emergency strobe. Range I estimate at 250-450 feet. The remote will also have the ability to turn on/off two other 12 volt max 10amp devices. I suspect I will have the working prototype ready by this May. Scott.
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Old 02 January 2016, 13:29   #8
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Originally Posted by Nightfisher View Post
Hi all,
Seems we have some jokers amongst the crowd. My unit does the same as the $500.00 dollar device, but will cost me less than a 1/5th of the price. Parts are ordered, including an emergency strobe. Range I estimate at 250-450 feet. The remote will also have the ability to turn on/off two other 12 volt max 10amp devices. I suspect I will have the working prototype ready by this May. Scott.
We are a bunch of jokers but I think some are trying to be diplomatic about your idea. Personally, I don't see the point in what you are doing. I'll explain my PERSONAL view:

You say this device is to be secondary to using a tether (killcord?) so straight away I see it as a redundant complication - more bits to fail. I've suffered killswitch failure at sea - twice - and I wouldn't want two of the things working in tandem.

If you regard it as back up (in case of forgetting to attach a killcord) then I'd say (IMVHO) that a 450 foot range is very dangerous indeed. Google what happens when RIBs and small boats eject the driver - very often they lock into a tight circle and eventually run the person in the water over - often many times. IMO, your device will do nothing to prevent this scenario.
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Old 02 January 2016, 18:40   #9
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I think he may be planning a 450m range to press a button to switch it off? So you manually intervene rather than it looses contact and switches off.

If its 450m and loss of contact I'm gonna get annoyed when I leave it in the car. Halfway out the harbour the engine dies for apparently no reason. Towed in. Restarts. Halfway out again. Almost exactly the same spot she dies again. Blah blah
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Old 02 January 2016, 19:17   #10
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Originally Posted by Nightfisher View Post
Hi all,
Seems we have some jokers amongst the crowd. My unit does the same as the $500.00 dollar device, but will cost me less than a 1/5th of the price. Parts are ordered, including an emergency strobe. Range I estimate at 250-450 feet. The remote will also have the ability to turn on/off two other 12 volt max 10amp devices. I suspect I will have the working prototype ready by this May. Scott.
Scott, there is a use for a device which alerts people on a vessel that someone has fallen overboard. Generally it is quite different from a rib though. People who sail in watches may well be interested as often only one person is awake and on deck at a time and so if someone goes over the boat can be far away. However consider that those devices should ideally do the following:

- Alert other crew members to the incident audible/visual
- mark the casualty position on the chart plotter
- possibly reduce speed / remove autopilot, if that isn't going to expose the remaining occupants to more risk.
-If single handed possibly activate a distress message (that is probably the hardest bit to achieve)

Preferably the system would be activated automatically (by loss of signal so it fails safe) as you can't assume the casualty is conscious, or capable of pressing a distress button. If you believe this is not true Google cold shock.

There are a few commercial systems around for this sort of thing. Whilst you can build the parts cheaper, you can't robustly test them etc...
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Old 03 January 2016, 11:12   #11
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Originally Posted by Nightfisher View Post
Hi all,
Seems we have some jokers amongst the crowd. My unit does the same as the $500.00 dollar device, but will cost me less than a 1/5th of the price. Parts are ordered, including an emergency strobe. Range I estimate at 250-450 feet. The remote will also have the ability to turn on/off two other 12 volt max 10amp devices. I suspect I will have the working prototype ready by this May. Scott.
Nothing wrong with tinkering about in the shed & making bits for your own satisfaction (mea culpa), but that's a world apart from having a commercially viable product.
You only have to look at the various threads regarding Kill Cords on here, to realise that people regard them as a necessary evil, it would appear that usage is even lower across the pond. Are people going to buy a relatively expensive electronic device, when they won't pay out for a bit of red string which does the same job?
It's your money & your time to spend as you want, I personally think your efforts could be better spent.
All IMHO of course.
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Old 03 January 2016, 11:45   #12
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
Nothing wrong with tinkering about in the shed & making bits for your own satisfaction (mea culpa), but that's a world apart from having a commercially viable product.
You only have to look at the various threads regarding Kill Cords on here, to realise that people regard them as a necessary evil, it would appear that usage is even lower across the pond. Are people going to buy a relatively expensive electronic device, when they won't pay out for a bit of red string which does the same job?
It's your money & your time to spend as you want, I personally think your efforts could be better spent.
All IMHO of course.
Make you right Dave.
One thing the Standard Faithful Ol Kill cord won't be beaten on is price!

IMO It already ticks ALL the Box's ...simplicity of design and function coupled with low tech operation and cheap to make/replace is ALWAYS a winning combination!....)Tried and tested over Decades)
It's the Human element we need to work on.
It seems because of the Terrible accidents lately we are in danger over analysing what is a perfectly (as far as anything can be) tool for the job!
I reckon time/effort would be much better spent Hammering home the message the need for every Liesure Boater to..always USE THEM!...
which sadly is far from the case at the moment!
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Old 03 January 2016, 15:16   #13
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Originally Posted by Maximus View Post
I reckon time/effort would be much better spent Hammering home the message the need for every Liesure Boater to..always USE THEM!...
which sadly is far from the case at the moment!
Just before exiting Littlehampton Harbour onto the sea there is now a bright red sign saying "Don't forget your killcord" (or similar).
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Old 03 January 2016, 15:19   #14
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Originally Posted by HughN View Post
Just before exiting Littlehampton Harbour onto the sea there is now a bright red sign saying "Don't forget your killcord" (or similar).
What a good idea!
Low Tech....Low cost,Very possible High impact
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Old 03 January 2016, 15:46   #15
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Leave the guy alone. Let's see what he comes up with then we can have an opinion about it.
It might be good, it might not - but until he presents it all we have here is another circular thread discussing the same old tosh - much better suited to fb where it drops of the bottom of the page!
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Old 03 January 2016, 15:54   #16
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Originally Posted by Searider View Post
Leave the guy alone. Let's see what he comes up with then we can have an opinion about it.
It might be good, it might not - but until he presents it all we have here is another circular thread discussing the same old tosh - much better suited to fb where it drops of the bottom of the page!

Certainly not Knocking anyone or thier idea's!
Just voicing my opinion on the Subject discussed.

(Like A good Mate of mine on here says)....IF you don't like my opinion.... I have others!
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Old 03 January 2016, 18:33   #17
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Overboard - Remote Control--Engine Off

Originally Posted by Searider View Post
Leave the guy alone. Let's see what he comes up with then we can have an opinion about it.
Presumably the OP wanted to generate some discussion or he wouldn't have posted in the first place...
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Old 03 January 2016, 22:06   #18
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
...... Personally, I don't see the point in what you are doing....
Ah, well, consider this; you're single handed in your cabin rib where you don't have a kill cord, you need a shite and the best way to set up before sitting on the bucket it to put the boat head to sea, check nothing is ahead and pop it onto autopilot on tickover. Job done in the comfort and shelter of the cabin you chuck the contents of the bucket overboard, put the bucket into the sea to rinse it and whoops, you under estimated the force of that moving water, lose you balance and you're in!
Now, I'd be wanting the engine to cut out immediately to give me a chance of grabbing or at least stand a chance of getting to the boat before it is off out of reach, wouldn't you? It could also save an embarrassing explanation after epirbing the coastguard!

Just thought I'd chuck that in.
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Old 03 January 2016, 22:50   #19
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JW, I'm hugely impressed with your ability to conjure up crazy imaginary scenarios....

At least I think it's imagined. Unfortunately I can't erase the mental imagery...
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Old 04 January 2016, 04:50   #20
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Originally Posted by jwalker View Post
Ah, well, consider this; you're single handed in your cabin rib where you don't have a kill cord, you need a shite and the best way to set up before sitting on the bucket it to put the boat head to sea, check nothing is ahead and pop it onto autopilot on tickover. Job done in the comfort and shelter of the cabin you chuck the contents of the bucket overboard, put the bucket into the sea to rinse it and whoops, you under estimated the force of that moving water, lose you balance and you're in!
Now, I'd be wanting the engine to cut out immediately to give me a chance of grabbing or at least stand a chance of getting to the boat before it is off out of reach, wouldn't you? It could also save an embarrassing explanation after epirbing the coastguard!

Just thought I'd chuck that in.
If I had a cabin RIB, I wouldn't be reduced to dropping the kids off into a bucket...........
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