I need some PC planning type software.
I have a Navionics card reader and a UK and Ireland chip.
The official Navionics software does not support the Vista operating system and I am fed up waiting for it to be released.
Anybody got any ideas on what to use instead?
I dont need to transport a pre-planned route to a chip.
I need some PC planning type software.
I have a Navionics card reader and a UK and Ireland chip.
The official Navionics software does not support the Vista operating system and I am fed up waiting for it to be released.
Anybody got any ideas on what to use instead?
I dont need to transport a pre-planned route to a chip.
Bin the vista operating system as vista is a SACK OF CRAP ram hungry totaly useless operating system done by LAZY programmers
format computer get xp pro or xp64 bit pro if you have quad core
and those systems should run everything