03 September 2015, 11:54
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PLB replacement
My McMurdo Fastfind 210 is due a battery replacement which is going to cost the thick end of £90. McMurdo are offering a service exchange for a new 220 for £197. There's nothing physically wrong with my current PLB apart from it needs a new battery according to the sticker on the back.
Question. What's currently "hot" on the market, is there anything out there with a user replaceable battery, or a longer shelf life than 5 years?
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03 September 2015, 12:04
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
My McMurdo Fastfind 210 is due a battery replacement which is going to cost the thick end of £90. McMurdo are offering a service exchange for a new 220 for £197. There's nothing physically wrong with my current PLB apart from it needs a new battery according to the sticker on the back.
Question. What's currently "hot" on the market, is there anything out there with a user replaceable battery, or a longer shelf life than 5 years?
I was in your position a few months ago: http://www.rib.net/forum/f37/plb-bat...-it-60595.html
In your case, McMurdo are taking the pisk! McMurdo FastFind 220 GPS PLB - 406 MHz Personal Location Beacon - Marine Super Store
That 220 has a 6 year life - IIRC there was another brand PLB with 7 years?
Sell the 210 and buy the 220 from above link?
Personally, I spent the £85 and ran with the new battery - next time I'll be going new.
03 September 2015, 12:08
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Give Scott SPR on here a buzz I got a good deal from him. I don't see the sense in paying 50-60% of new unit on battery.
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03 September 2015, 12:13
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Hi im in same position, noticed battery is about to expire, will probably buy a new unit to be on safe side.
03 September 2015, 12:16
Country: UK - England
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PLB replacement
Willk, I more or less told Mcmurdo as such when I rang them.
Jambo, cheers will do👍
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03 September 2015, 13:16
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Just out of marketing curiosity - would anyone buy a new McMurdo 220 that cost £180, and had a 6 year non-replaceable battery - i.e. you dispose of the PLB after 6 years?
03 September 2015, 13:26
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I suspect that a number of us are in the same boat now following the infamous RIBnet bulk buying episode !
Well Done Knot Yet  !
Perhaps one of the Trade Members might like to latch onto this , make a few bob for himself and benefit any RIBnet folk wanting to take advantage ?
I for one would be interested...............
03 September 2015, 13:35
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
Just out of marketing curiosity - would anyone buy a new McMurdo 220 that cost £180, and had a 6 year non-replaceable battery - i.e. you dispose of the PLB after 6 years?

Possibly, assuming you could buy it "fresh as". £30 quid a year is neither here nor there in the big scheme. It's more or less the situation we're in at the moment & still works out cheaper than Flares.
.....sh1t happens.......
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03 September 2015, 13:42
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Hi PD.
No easy answer on this IMHO.
The system is about to change - albeit with backwards/forwards compatibility,
and there will be beacons with more enhanced features.
I think prices may fall even more as the amount of time before the new
generation stuff comes online diminishes.
If you need one - I wouldn't wait though.
I chatted with the CEO of Orolia Group (McMurdo/Kannard) last year, and the
impression I got was that they are leading the technology. They are investing
in and developing both the front end and back end of the whole system.
Having said that - personally I like the ACR products from an ergonomic stand point.
Sepcifically the Aquamate View - which gives you as much information displayed
on its LCD screen, as you could expect from the current system, short of any return messaging.
Its a 5 year batt life (6 from manufacture) and a bigger unit,
but I would prefer that - holding something too small in the water with cold hands and I think I would stand more of a chance of dropping it.
The smaller ACR unit also has a good "feel" to it - 5 year battery life (6 from manufacture) and is the one the RNLI chose.
I have the GME unit - again its a little larger than the McMurdo, and kindly replaced for free after Round Ireland.
If your going down to Southampton, try and handle all the current PLB models.
I dont think they are very different in performance.
Hope this helps
03 September 2015, 13:51
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by MustRib
Hi PD.
No easy answer on this IMHO.
The system is about to change - albeit with backwards/forwards compatibility,
and there will be beacons with more enhanced features.
I think prices may fall even more as the amount of time before the new
generation stuff comes online diminishes.
If you need one - I wouldn't wait though.
I chatted with the CEO of Orolia Group (McMurdo/Kannard) last year, and the
impression I got was that they are leading the technology. They are investing
in and developing both the front end and back end of the whole system.
Having said that - personally I like the ACR products from an ergonomic stand point.
Sepcifically the Aquamate View - which gives you as much information displayed
on its LCD screen, as you could expect from the current system, short of any return messaging.
Its a 5 year batt life (6 from manufacture) and a bigger unit,
but I would prefer that - holding something too small in the water with cold hands and I think I would stand more of a chance of dropping it.
The smaller ACR unit also has a good "feel" to it - 5 year battery life (6 from manufacture) and is the one the RNLI chose.
I have the GME unit - again its a little larger than the McMurdo, and kindly replaced for free after Round Ireland.
If your going down to Southampton, try and handle all the current PLB models.
I dont think they are very different in performance.
Hope this helps 
Cheers, good info. I hadn't realised the system was being changed.,what are the main changes? Reply message?
I'm going to Soton, & it's on my list of things to look at.
.....sh1t happens.......
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03 September 2015, 13:58
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PM sent !
03 September 2015, 17:27
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Originally Posted by willk
I picked up an AccuSat MT410G during the summer. It has a 7 year battery life. Mine had been sat on the shelf for a year so I got it half price !  Seems nice bit of kit, strobe light
They claim no warm up time (don't know how!) - cold start 34 seconds
Waterproof & Floats. Comes with neoprene holder.
05 October 2015, 16:59
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The battery for my McMurdo Fastfind expired back in June and I have only now got round to trying to organise a replacement. I obtained the appropriate Service Return Form by email from McMurdo although with no details supplied as to the cost. I enquired about this in order to send the remittance with the return unit and received the following reply by email:
"The cost of battery replacement is £101.89 ex VAT and carriage back to you. Total will be £140.27. However, you will be wise to wait until Greg has tested your PLB in case any other work needs to be done. We send a quotation via email once Greg tests each unit."
At that price, I have told them where to go and have bought a replacement unit from another manufacturer.
I have today taken delivery of a tiny but powerful Ocean Signal RescueME PLB1 (cost £199.99 from Marine Super Store) which has a seven year guarantee and battery life until Feb 2023. This works out at less than £29.00 per year and, therefore, effectively the same as the McMurdo replacement battery (assuming another five year life - although their current model boasts six years). It also means I now have two PLBs which will give a back up if needed (testing the 'expired' battery still shows it has a full charge). Let's hope I don't have to use either!
05 October 2015, 17:53
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Originally Posted by Avocet
The battery for my McMurdo Fastfind expired back in June and I have only now got round to trying to organise a replacement. I obtained the appropriate Service Return Form by email from McMurdo although with no details supplied as to the cost. I enquired about this in order to send the remittance with the return unit and received the following reply by email:
"The cost of battery replacement is £101.89 ex VAT and carriage back to you. Total will be £140.27. However, you will be wise to wait until Greg has tested your PLB in case any other work needs to be done. We send a quotation via email once Greg tests each unit."
At that price, I have told them where to go and have bought a replacement unit from another manufacturer.
I have today taken delivery of a tiny but powerful Ocean Signal RescueME PLB1 (cost £199.99 from Marine Super Store) which has a seven year guarantee and battery life until Feb 2023. This works out at less than £29.00 per year and, therefore, effectively the same as the McMurdo replacement battery (assuming another five year life - although their current model boasts six years). It also means I now have two PLBs which will give a back up if needed (testing the 'expired' battery still shows it has a full charge). Let's hope I don't have to use either!
Great post
05 October 2015, 18:10
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Avocet
The battery for my McMurdo Fastfind expired back in June and I have only now got round to trying to organise a replacement. I obtained the appropriate Service Return Form by email from McMurdo although with no details supplied as to the cost. I enquired about this in order to send the remittance with the return unit and received the following reply by email:
"The cost of battery replacement is £101.89 ex VAT and carriage back to you. Total will be £140.27. However, you will be wise to wait until Greg has tested your PLB in case any other work needs to be done. We send a quotation via email once Greg tests each unit."
At that price, I have told them where to go and have bought a replacement unit from another manufacturer.
I have today taken delivery of a tiny but powerful Ocean Signal RescueME PLB1 (cost £199.99 from Marine Super Store) which has a seven year guarantee and battery life until Feb 2023. This works out at less than £29.00 per year and, therefore, effectively the same as the McMurdo replacement battery (assuming another five year life - although their current model boasts six years). It also means I now have two PLBs which will give a back up if needed (testing the 'expired' battery still shows it has a full charge). Let's hope I don't have to use either!
Your experience with McMurdo echoes mine & I shall be taking a similar path. I just haven't got around to actually replacing the expired unit yet
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05 October 2015, 18:24
RIBnet admin team
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You guys did spot that I had mine sorted for £85 all in?
05 October 2015, 18:43
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
You guys did spot that I had mine sorted for £85 all in? 
I did, by whom?
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05 October 2015, 18:47
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
I did, by whom?
CH Marine. They have a depot in Northern Ireland too. They struck me as fairly professional lads.
06 October 2015, 06:59
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I just bought a new unit, anyone recomend best way of disposing of old unit ?
06 October 2015, 07:05
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
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Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
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Posts: 12,206
Originally Posted by boristhebold
I just bought a new unit, anyone recomend best way of disposing of old unit ?
You could wait until Nov5th & set it off along with the expired pyros, I'm sure someone will come along & take it away, they might even arrive by helo. Don't forget to De-register it first though
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