11 July 2005, 11:24
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Hi Chris/Pete.
Managed to get the multimeter out on the weekend. We had a circuit conection from the GPS wire to the lowrance head unit on all wires but noticed there was also a small 2nd resistance on one of the other wires which indicated a possible break.
I cut the antenna and moved it to the head unit where I reconnected it. It immediately showed all satelites as per test using Petes antenna.
It failed to get a lock so I tried the soft start that you described and it worked like a charm!
So now I just need to get a new cable.
Just wanted to say thanks for both of your help.
I thought I was home free, but now it is not picking up the map data and will not zoom any further than looking at the whole UK which indicates to me that it is not reading the card. Is this just a bad connection? I have tried WD40 and cleaning the contacts but to no avail...any ideas?
11 July 2005, 12:43
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Originally Posted by ozz
So now I just need to get a new cable
Now then who do we know with a spare one of those
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
11 July 2005, 13:00
Country: UK - England
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ha ha!
This was not actually meant to be a begging email!
Your lead would be no good as the lowrance connectors will not fit through my A frame, just going to get some 4 core cable from B&Q!
12 July 2005, 11:00
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Four core shielded twisted pair works like a charm - I use microphone cable ( a hundred yard roll fell off the back of a Sony salesman I know). As for the map read problem, the reset will have reset the map choice back to the default which is for Lowrance MapCreate maps. The fix is as follows:
1. Set the unit on any mapping screen
2. Press MENU
3. Go down to the MAP DATA option and press ENTER
3. Cursor across to NAVIONICS MAP CHOICE and press ENTER
4. Select the appropriate Navionics file and press ENTER.
Exit back to the map screen and you should now be able to access the Navionics data and zoom the map.
12 July 2005, 16:10
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Hi there.
Got the same problem!
I have just been told that the connectors on my GlobalMap2000 are shot and they are obsolete now.
Only alternative is SILVAs own attena which is......£170+vat.
I think I'll buy a new Plotter/Sounder 4 that price!
Anybody hear anything good or bad about the Lowrance LMS-332C?
12 July 2005, 18:18
Country: UK - England
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you are a Gent!
Will try it later this week when back at the boat
13 July 2005, 09:19
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GlobalMap 2000 connectors
Which connectors for the Map2000? Got a bucket full of old stuff like that that may be helpful. Let me know which ones, and I'll have a hunt around.
Cheers - Chris.
13 July 2005, 09:41
Country: UK - England
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Its the black cable on the back of the Global Map, the only one without a collar on the connectors. The rubber has perished and it has given up the goose now! Silva have told me that my attenna is obsolete and only a SILVA antenna may fit IF I have a 2nd gen version of the globalmap.
If you have got a spare connector that I can splice into the existing cable that would be great!
Anything to avoid having to dig around in those Electronic Catalogues!!!
13 July 2005, 10:47
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The black connector on the back of a GlobalMap unit is for the SAM (sonar access module) and has nothing to do with the antenna. The Map2000 unit should have the following connections at the back:
1. Large grey 13 pin plug with locking collar. This has three cables coming out of it - one goes off to power supply and has no label. It has a red, a black and a white wire. The red and black are positive and negative, the white is unused. The second cable in this plug has a smaller four pin grey plug and is labelled "Nav Cable" - this is where the antenna plugs in. The third cable has four wires (red, black, white and green) and is labelled NMEA 2.0. The white and green are for data output, the red and black are unused. The labels are about half an inch square and shiny silver in colour. Should be affixed to the cable near to the open end.
2. Small 5 pin grey plug with locking collar. This is the connector cable for the Maplink, or the cartridge reader for the CF85 CMap cards. This cable is only about a foot long and ends at the box where the map plugs in.
3. The black unlocked plug. This is for a SAM-1 or SAM-ST depending on the model of Map2000. This cable is about 18 inches long, and will terminate at a black plastic box about 5 inches by 4, with either SAM-1 or SAM-ST written on the top. Another black plug will be plugged into the top of the box, which will lead off to the transducer.
Please note the black plug is only for GlobalMap units that have sounder capability. If your unit won't pick up satts, it doesn't have anything to do with the black plug. If the two grey plugs (one large one small) look OK, then try a software reset and cold start:
1. Turn GMap unit OFF
2. Press and hold down CLR key
3. While holding down CLR key, press ON button
4. Hold both keys down until unit beeps and displays start up warning screen, then release.
At this point, press CLR to clear the warning screen and let the unit do a GPS cold start. The easy way to do this is go away and have a coffee (or a beer, depending on time of day). The unit will auto default to cold start mode, but may take up to 25 minutes to lock up a position depending on the antenna fitted. If it locks position you're away. If not, drop me a line and I'll give you a couple of other things to try.
That should keep you busy for a while - troubleshooting by remote control. Fingers crossed mate. Let me know how you get on.
Cheers - Chris
13 July 2005, 12:51
Country: UK - England
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I've tried all the things that you have suggested and no joy. All the connectors look fine except for the black sounder cable, without the locking collar. However the transducer works fine.
I've checked all the other connectors and they seem sound.
When I tried the cold restart you suggested all went OK except as soon as I took it of the start up page and hit clear the warning came up saying "warning GPS not responding".
Anymore ideas??
13 July 2005, 20:16
Country: Australia
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Sounds like the antenna has fallen over mate. Question is, which antenna do you have, as there were two version for the 2000. Is your antenna, round and flat like the ones in the pics further up this thread? Or is it an oblong box about 6 inches by 4 with a dome on the top?
14 July 2005, 09:58
Country: UK - England
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Its one on the disc antennas as shown earlier but mine in mounted on a inverted conical bracket that is part of the lowrance set.
The guy over here said that there are 2 anntennas for the global map and he did mention that a SILVA antenna may work in its place but its still £170 odd quid!
Any more ideas???
18 July 2005, 08:38
Country: Australia
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Sorry for the delay mate, been out on the islands working for a couple of days. About the only other thing I can think of is to check the plug where the flylead from the antenna plugs in - it should be about 6 inches down from the antenna itself. If that looks OK, and the cable between the antenna and the unit tests OK with an ohmeter, then my thought would be that the antenna has had a heart attack. Replacements should still be available though - any LGC-12 or 12S will do the job. I've still got two or three here in stock, so you should be able to get them in the UK. 170 quid sounds a bit rich though. If you have no luck with cabling issues, give me a shout, I'll lend you an antenna to test with, so at least you can be sure what the issue is.
Cheers mate - Chris
18 July 2005, 09:04
Country: UK - England
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Hi Chris,
Did what you suggested re selecting the chart and worked so now all back up to speed.
Many thanks once again!!
19 July 2005, 07:15
Country: Australia
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Glad to be of help mate. Cheers.
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