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Old 08 June 2005, 16:10   #1
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Proprietrary Lowrance Antenna Componnents

Greetings all,

I was surprised . recently, to discover that all the sockets on the Lowrance kit are proprietrary. Has anyone else come across this?

This is very frustrating if, as in my case the damage to the cable in within one inches of the unit thereby making a splice to the cable next to impossible. Then to make matters more frustrating the antenna is a sealed unit and it is not possible to get just the cable

Do all manafacturers use proprietrary fittings??

When will they learn the lessons of other industries and go for open standards?

Does anyone know of a third party coax plug that will fit the Lowrance?

Does anyone know of an alternative antenna for a Lowrance LMS 1600 / Globalmap 1600. Does anyone have one of the originals?

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Old 08 June 2005, 17:40   #2
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You are correct. I had this exact problem on a Lowrance GPS antenna some years ago, although splicing the cable made it all work again to "get me home" I had to contact Lowrance regarding a long term fix.

Although the antenna was discontinued, they were able to offer a "refurbshing" service which i imagine involved a new coax lead and plug!
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Old 09 June 2005, 16:52   #3
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Many thanks,

Did Silva do the service or was it Phiad?


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Old 10 June 2005, 03:50   #4
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Found the delivery note would you beleive it!

Silva, via Navionics (who were very helpfull) Tel 01506 419555
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Old 16 June 2005, 22:13   #5
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Old 20 June 2005, 22:06   #6
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I have been speaking to Phil at Silva on that number - very helpful.

I have a lowrance LCX 16ci plotter which has decided the "gps is not responding" I can't see a break in the wire but it is frustrating if I have to take the whole thing off the boat and post it away to have it all checked.

Has anyone got a spare LGC 12W antenna that I could borrow to see if it is the antennna rather than the plotter - Or a secondhand one they would be willing to sell as I am pretty sure it is the antenna thats faulty.

Or alternatively does anyone have a similar plotter fitted to their boat fitted via a bracket rather than flush mounted that I could test mine on?

At least it has helped me some needed chart work while broke!


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Old 21 June 2005, 08:02   #7
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Ozz, I have a Lowrance LCG 12 and LMS 350a on Old Spice. If we tie the boat along side each other, I think I still have the original long lead in the garage which could reach across to your LMS 1600 etc. Are you about at the weekend or next Tuesday ?

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Old 21 June 2005, 08:11   #8
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Hi Pete,
I am available on Saturday all day. Where are you going to be? Your help is much appreciated!

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Old 21 June 2005, 08:23   #9
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Scrubbing me boat ready for the Queens inspection. I will be on the water in Haslar Creek, give me a shout on 07768 288763 as I will have to talk you in through the security, barb wire fences, mines and the boys in black who are really marshalling T200.

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Old 21 June 2005, 10:33   #10
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Will do Pete. I am putting mine on a berth in Gosport for the week starting on Sat so will come round from the hamble in the morning. What time you going to be there?

Quite a lot of activity going on over that area this morning, just seen some jets flying overhead including two refuelling mid air. Must be getting ready for the big day.

Let me know if you have over capacity on the charter as I have mine coded now but have not got round to doing any marketing! Could work well as I would be leaving from similar location.

Thanks again

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Old 23 June 2005, 05:25   #11
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Lowrance antenna bits

GDay guys,

Couple of notes on Lowrance antenna bits - I've done Lowrance service down here in Oz for nearly ten years, and a couple of things that may be helpful:

1. Ezgoing - The GlobalMap 1600 antenna connector isn't proprietary - it's called an SMC coax plug. I can get replacements here, so they should be available in the UK somewhere. If not, drop me a line at info@bandfmarine.com.au - I've got about a dozen LANT-1 antennas in the office here, you more than welcome to one if it will help.

2. Ozz - if this gets to you before the weekend, check that the LGC-12 on the LMS-350A is either an LGC-12S or an LGC-12W. A standard LGC-12 will not work on an LCX-16Ci - the software for the 16Ci was written specifically for the 12S or 12W antennas. An LGC-12 would plug in, but not lock onto satts. Again, I've got a bunch of them here in Brisbane, so let me know if I can help out.

Cheers all - Chris
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Old 23 June 2005, 08:29   #12
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Chris, is there a way of telling the difference? My LCG is glued and screwed to the console so can't see any numbers letters underneath it.

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Old 23 June 2005, 09:21   #13
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Exgoing i may have given you some duff advise - the Lowrance i had was an Ultramap something-or-other and had a proprietary connector.

SMA connectors are used on mobile telephone car kit connectors and are available from RS.
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Old 23 June 2005, 11:55   #14
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SMC Connector


Many thanks.

I'm off to Maplin now.

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Old 23 June 2005, 12:05   #15
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There are five round Lowrance antennas that look basically the same, but the most common types should be marked on the outside - see attached photos. Types are briefly as follows:

1. LANT-1. White disc approx 3.5 inches in diameter and about an inch thick. This is a passive antenna and has approx 20 feet of black cable permanently fixed to it. The cable is approx 1/16 inch in diameter and has a black single pin coax type connector. Fits Lowrance LMS160, GlobalMap1600, GlobalNav310 and corresponding Eagle units. It has the word LOWRANCE written in black capital on the sides, no other markings.

2. LGC-12. Same dimensions as above. This is an active antenna, and has a piggy tail of cable approx a foot long fixed to it. The cable is about 1/8 inch in diameter and has a grey coloured four pin connector. Fit 12 channel Lowrance models including LMS350A ans GlobalMap 2000. It has the word LOWRANCE written in black capital on the side, plus LGC-12 written in either blue or gold on the side. The underside will also have a serial number label.

3. LGC-12S Same as LGC-12, but with LGC-12S marked on side in gold (see photo). Specifically produced with software updates to suit the Lowrance LCX series units - LCX-15MT, CT, CI, 16CI, 18c, 19c, 104c etc.

4. LGC-12W. Same as above, but with LGC-12W marked on side in gold (see photo). Contains software updates for LCX series, plus WAAS capability.

5. LGC-2000. Same dimensions, but has 5 pin connector plug with blue end. Marked LGC-2000 in gold. This is the latest type, suitable for current model units using the NMEA 2000 network. Fits all current model Lowrance 12 channel units.

Hope this helps - if not, drop me a line with the model of the head unit (and the software version if you can) and I can probably help more.

Cheers mate - Chris
Attached Images
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Old 23 June 2005, 13:00   #16
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Chris, thanks very informative answer, Ozz and I will have a good look on Sat.

Ta Pete
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Old 23 June 2005, 21:14   #17
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Thanks for the info Chris, really appreciated. I will check tomorrow but am pretty sure its the LGC12W. I will also get the multimeter out to check it is not a break in the wire. If it then works with Petes unit then I will know it the reciever and not the plotter.

Out of interest how much do you sell them for? I was quoted £170 + vat in the UK but see you can get them in the states for $185 which makes it about half price...same old story.
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Old 23 June 2005, 21:56   #18
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We here in Oz have the same problem you guys do in the UK - by the time the local importer adds their percentage, it can be cheaper to purchase in the US. An antenna here retails for about $A550!! Although I have a couple here that are gathering dust, so you could have one for what I pay for them, which is about $A299 - about 125 quid your money. Be a bit careful about warranty though - here in Australia, the local distributor won't honour warranty on articles purchased overseas..
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Old 30 June 2005, 09:43   #19
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Hi Chris,
We plugged in the antenna that Pete has on his boat and my plotter showed the satelites no problem but even after 15 minutes did not manage to get a lock.
We typed in the lat and long and also tried a search but it did not manage it.

I have attached a picture of my antenna, it does not seem to correspond with any that you mention and Pete's is the same. Mine does have a void sticker underneath.

As soon as I saw it was picking up the satelites I thought I was home free and just needed to get a new antenna but as it did not get a lock do you think a new antenna will do the job?

I have attached a picci of the antenna.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	ant.JPG
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ID:	13009  
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Old 02 July 2005, 03:55   #20
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From your description, sounds like it could be a couple of things:

1. A comms problem between the head unit and the antenna. This is a pretty easy one to work out as a master software reset on the head should sort it if this is the problem. It's a simple procedure as follows:
* Turn unit OFF
* Press and hold down PAGES key
* While holding PAGES key in, turn unit ON
* Hold down both PAGES and PWR keys until the initial screen with the "loading" bar disappears, then release both keys

The unit should now display a map of the US, centered on Tulsa, OK. Allow about 20 minutes for a full GPS cold start and see if it locks up position... This reset will clear any custom settings (like units of measure), but won't erase waypoints or routes.

2. The compatability issue between LGC-12 and 12S or 12W antennas. If memory serves, Pete has a 350A, which probably has a standard 12 on it. If the above reset doesn't clear the problem, email me your postal address, and i'll lend you an antenna I know works to do the test with. Even Australia Post can have it to you in about a week - I'll send it by fast carrier kangaroo!!

Let me know how you get on.

Cheers mate - Chris.
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