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Old 24 August 2004, 21:29   #21
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Hi there, Superradioman. Perhaps you could answer the question from Scary Des - how well would a handheld work from absolute sea level? We figure we'd rather have it, on the off chance that it might work or you might be able to, say, climb onto the upturned hull and use it. What do you think? Ta.
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Old 24 August 2004, 21:31   #22
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The standard Icom labour charge is 55 pounds an hour and the minimum charge seems to be 1 hour. So far my radios have been with Icom for more than 2 months'
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Old 24 August 2004, 21:36   #23
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Send a message via MSN to Jon Brooks
Originally Posted by BrendanS
Jon, no confusion here. Just stating facts, and have hammered these issues out several times with Mike Martin.

On the other hand, while you are here.... I have a IC-M1 Euro V. It took a bit of a knock, and the squelch/volume control got bent. All works fine, but the knurled sqelch knob no longer does anything, which is irritating. If I send it in, how long for a fix, and what sort of estimated cost?

I know you have Brendon have read the posts
But there is a lot of confusion out there and lots who think they know the facts when they don't.
Again not aimed at any one here.

Depends send it marked for me, then a couple of days.

If not marked for me will end up in the system and be a couple of weeks.
Cost will depend on if its needs a new volume control or just at bit of bending.

Will just clarify, for 3 year warranty "YOU" the end user must fill in the card and send it backor it will just be 1 year.
We do pride ourselves on our service but you can't please all of the people all the time.

Rouge if you coming to Southampton Boat Show please come and find me.
Think we need to have a chat, a beer or 3 (on me) and make you happy again.
Am there all the time.
You feel let down and I want to put that right and chat through it all with you.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 24 August 2004, 21:45   #24
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks

Depends send it marked for me, then a couple of days
Cheers! Will wait till a quiet time in boating season, then let you know it's coming

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Old 24 August 2004, 21:52   #25
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Send a message via MSN to Jon Brooks
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
The standard Icom labour charge is 55 pounds an hour and the minimum charge seems to be 1 hour. So far my radios have been with Icom for more than 2 months'
Yes it is and that is the same for most electronic companies.
We have tried to contact you for most of that to get payment.
E-mails sent, PM's sent, messages left on your moblie.

No reply.

As I said before your radio's have been ready since 2 weeks after we had them!
They will not leave to building until the invoice is settled.
Standard Working Parctice for most companies

Sorry to do this in public but you don't answer our contact attempts.
This is making us look bad when that not the full facts.
I feel you are upset with us but this is not all our doing.
We have tried and tried to contact you.
You are a valued customer and we don't want for you to feel let down but you need to respond to get this sorted.

Once again sorry to the rest of you.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 24 August 2004, 22:13   #26
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks

Will just clarify, for 3 year warranty "YOU" the end user must fill in the card and send it backor it will just be 1 year.
We do pride ourselves on our service but you can't please all of the people all the time.

Rouge if you coming to Southampton Boat Show please come and find me.
Think we need to have a chat, a beer or 3 (on me) and make you happy again.
Am there all the time.
You feel let down and I want to put that right and chat through it all with you.


firstly I'd be delighted to meet with you again as I enjoy your sense of Humour and you don't need to buy all the drinks. My beef is with Icom and not you as a person

I don't feel let down by Icom I've been let down by em and yes I am getting bitter and twisted about it. Sending me a pro forma for the price we agreed so long ago in our phone converstaion would be a good start to the road to rectifying the situation .

I am intrigued that the radios were ready two weeks after they were handed over to you....are you sure?

Other than the PM's we exchanged on the 10/6/04 I have not recieved any PM's (is there a problem with the system JK?) no emails or tele messages either.

This situation is regrettable all in all it's a shame the Icom products werent reliable
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Old 24 August 2004, 23:24   #27
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Originally Posted by Louise
how well would a handheld work from absolute sea level?
A good handheld, about 5 miles. A fixed set at the same level, about 25 miles
From memory, but can probably find the site that gave this info. As already stated, yachts fare far better, as their aerials are on top of a mast, and height equals distance where radio comms are concerned

From experience, just holding the handheld above your head (if you have a mike attached) can give quite an extra distance. I've even been known to clamber on top of the seat, to gain an extra few feet, and it works, but not recommended.
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Old 24 August 2004, 23:31   #28
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Fixed is best !!


If you own a boat with a console and are going to keep it for a while I would definitely reccomend purchasing and fitting a fixed VHF system. 25 Watts as opposed to 1 or 2 watts will always make sense ...especially if you ever need to use the radio in an emergency!!

I'd agree with the rest of the gang to also purchase if or when your budget allows a hand held and an aquapac for emergencies and back up.

Best wishes and happy shopping !!

Stuart McNamara
Club Powerboat.ie
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Old 24 August 2004, 23:37   #29
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Originally Posted by Powerboat
. 25 Watts as opposed to 1 or 2 watts will always make sense

should be 25 as opposed to 5 surely!

Hand helds normally put out 5, unless using a channel where low wattage kicks in, or you manually select it
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Old 24 August 2004, 23:54   #30
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Ooops !

Sorry about that !! Don't know where the "." came from !!!!!!

Twenty five watts for fixed versus five!! watts hand held (nominally !!!)

Our hand helds also have a 1 watt feature which is generally what we use boat to boat on "certain" boats !!

Must get into civvy mind frame !!!

Thanks for the correction !!!

Stuart McNamara
Club Powerboat.ie
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Old 25 August 2004, 00:17   #31
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Originally Posted by Powerboat
Sorry about that !! Don't know where the "." came from !!!!!!
Not worried about the "."

Most people can surely work out that fixed is 25W. What concerned me is that you thought handhelds worked at 1-2W? Yes, as you say, handhelds work at 1W at times, but either you have to select a channel where that kicks in automatically, or select it yourself. The rest of the time it's typically 5W.

Anyway, I'm with you on having a fixed set with hand held for backup, but a hand held is far better than none at all. The next issue is taking the exam, and understanding these issues?
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Old 25 August 2004, 06:32   #32
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Yeah, I know the handheld has a much lower range but I was picking up on Scary Des's thoughts - if the worst should happen and we end up in the water instead of in the boat, just how much range would we have then? Would we still get about 5 miles or would this be reduced, what with the radio being held next to a face which is bobbing around on the surface of the sea, rather than 1.5 - 2 metres above sea level? Anyone know for sure what the answer is?
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Old 25 August 2004, 07:42   #33
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Realistically, in those conditions, range is going to be dependent on the quality of the radio you have, and sea conditions, and will be 2 to 4 miles max. My handheld has an attached speaker mike, which means I can hold the radio up at arms length, and use the speaker mike to talk and listen, but even that won't make a huge difference.
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Old 25 August 2004, 07:44   #34
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That's about what we thought. We figured having the radio would be better than not! So Richard'll carry on wearing it round his neck as back up to the fixed set. Cheers.
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Old 25 August 2004, 07:54   #35
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Originally Posted by BrendanS
................. and sea conditions, and will be 2 to 4 miles max. .............
I don’t really get that, if VHF is ‘line of sight’ radio, how can it work beyond what you can see, remember I am talking about rough conditions with 1mtr waves and you are in the water. Des
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Old 25 August 2004, 08:07   #36
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as I said to Louise. 2 - 4 mile MAX! and it depends on sea conditions! If you are in rough conditions, you'd be well advised to make the most of the time you are on top of the waves, not down in the trough

A couple of other things worth pointing out. From practical experience, handhelds transmit better than they receive - so even if you are not getting a response, your transmission may be getting through. Coastguard radio aerials are usually up high and are very sensitive, so line of sight is not water level, but up to the top of cliffs etc. and sensitive enough to pick up weak transmissions. You might not get good line of sight to another boat in the area, but coastguard may still be able to pick you up if you are near one of their aerials. A lot of factors that can make things work, or not. Personally, I have a set of mini flares inside my life jacket to complement the handheld should I go overboard.
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Old 25 August 2004, 08:21   #37
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So in the case of over board along the coast a Mobile phone may be better than a hand held VHF?
It dose not knead line of sight!
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Old 25 August 2004, 08:22   #38
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
So in the case of over board along the coast a Mobile phone may be better than a hand held VHF?
It dose not knead line of sight!
We each carry one of those, too - around our necks in Aquapacs.
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Old 25 August 2004, 08:31   #39
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Mobile phones need line of sight as much as VHF radios, though it's not always obvious - no reception at all on mine while out walking on Sunday in a valley in Wilts, even though only 2 miles away from the mast

There are also huge areas where there is no mobile reception along the coast(St Albans head area springs to mind on the south coast). Still handy as a backup, but I wouldn't depend on it.
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Old 25 August 2004, 08:35   #40
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seems like footstarps are the best way of ensuring good coms
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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