After a brillaint day out on the ribs today we were coming back from the forts when the PTT needle in the guage started to flicker like mad.
I stopped and cut the engine, tilted it up to check all was ok and everything seemed fine.
Put the engine back down, started her up and off we went. But the flickering stayed.
I'm thinking this could be a simple electrical contact but i'm not sure, anyone got any ideas on what it could be and what to do.
To clarify, the PTT works perfectly, its the guage thats playing up by flickering like mad. Even when i just use my hand on the tilt sensor when the boat was on the trailer it still flickered like mad. Of course i may have had a bit of hard slam when it first started to happen.
I've also just noticed that the sensor arm has a small piece of plastic (very very tiny) that stops the sensor from raising all the way up when the engine goes to full tilt. This bit of plastic has broken and needs replacing. If you listen carefully on the video you'll hear a click, this is the sensor jumping off allignment with the engine where it raises too high up due to bit of plastic (stopper) being broken. This will hopefully be an easy fix and now i come to think of it, its clicked for a while but never noticed it, but this isnt causing the flickering. But does raise another question of how do i reset the tilt guage to where it should be when i replace the plastic stopper as if i hold the sensor arm in place where it should stop, the guage / needle stops at the hald way point?
Here is a handy video of what its doing (flickering). And yes i now know to hold the phone the other way, DOH.
heres another one to show the stopper issue. Its the smallest bit of plastic at the end of that finger.
At least the camera is now the right way.