Originally Posted by codprawn
With the constant improvements in technology and the constant plummet in prices of modern electronics I think it's a fair assumption to make - backed up by video footage of them in use!!!
I think it will be a long time before a £50k unit comes down enough to compare to a proven technology at £700.
Originally Posted by codprawn
I hated Vista long before I had used it by listening to other people's comments. Now I have a brand new laptop with it installed I haven't changed my mind.
No idea what this has to do with the original question?
Originally Posted by codprawn
I also don't have to drive an old Trabant to know that it's crap!!!
A Trabant is only crap compared to a modern car, it actually does what is was intended for well and I actually know someone who has one, do you? Any old car is poor compared to a modern one but it doesn't mean it was crap to start with or didn't fulfill its design criteria well at the time.
A lot of folk do seem to have a go at you, now I know why.............