10 January 2008, 14:29
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Recommendations for Handheld VHF
I am looking for a good all round handheld VHF device - its not going to just be put in a grab bag.
I have been looking at units for about 6 months but they seem to vary so much in price, but all seem to function the same.
So I am after some recommendations on any particular unit’s people are using, and if anyone has any ones to avoid.
My main requirements are:
• Re-Chargeable
• Has the option to run on normal batteries – if required
• Waterproof
10 January 2008, 14:54
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Originally Posted by SteveHall
I am looking for a good all round handheld VHF device - its not going to just be put in a grab bag.
I have been looking at units for about 6 months but they seem to vary so much in price, but all seem to function the same.
So I am after some recommendations on any particular unit’s people are using, and if anyone has any ones to avoid.
My main requirements are:
• Re-Chargeable
• Has the option to run on normal batteries – if required
• Waterproof
Generally speaking you will find the Standard Horizon 270 well regarded by many people on here. They have also been pretty well recieved in any magazine reviews I have had. There are also ICOM fans here who I am sure will be able to comment on their best value unit.
I have an SH 270E for the application you describe (should cost less than £90 with boat show special offers at the moment). I also have a cheap Cobra unit (I think it retails for about £50) which is pretty crappy in comparison and has put me off cobra electronics.
If you want to spend more you can - but in terms of radio performance it won't be any better, and with the possible exception of the Entel it isn't going to be any more robust. I would speculate that the entry level SH and Icom units are what 85% of people here will have.
10 January 2008, 15:06
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Icom IC-M71
Anyone use one of these? Icom IC-M71
10 January 2008, 15:40
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I bought a Standard Horizon Submersible VHF for £87.99. From Marine Speed.
No problems with it so far..
It came with a wall charger, or the option to use normal batteries, its also waterproof like you want.
10 January 2008, 16:14
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Originally Posted by SteveHall
Anyone use one of these? Icom IC-M71
Got one next to me. It's a very good unit but you can't use AA cells in it. Realistically I don't think it's any better than the Standard Horizon 270 but costs a lot more. The floating Icom might be worth a look but it's a lot of money.
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10 January 2008, 16:58
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The Entel Ht****** Can't remember the exact model but the waterproof one with the litium battery which last forever. We have them at our club and I try and get the one with the handmic cos its great and fully submersable. It does work after its been in the water as I have done that many a time.
10 January 2008, 17:11
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Get the Standard Hx270E
Got mine from allgadgets - great service as always and he's a member on here!!!
The radio is very well made - has the spare aa battery tray and is nice and compact in size. It comes with a very good belt/lifejacket clip. The set is very very simple to use.
Only 2 tiny niggles - no knob for squelch - it's on a key - and I can't find a way of scanning all channels - you have to add to memory 1st one at a time.
For the money it's fantastic - feels more like £200 than £85!!!
Best range so far - 15 miles.
10 January 2008, 18:07
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Standard Hx270E
I can second the Standard Hx270E. Use mine on the Menai Straits with no problems talking to Hollyhead. Also the added safety of the AA battery trap.
10 January 2008, 20:53
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Only 2 tiny niggles - no knob for squelch - it's on a key - and I can't find a way of scanning all channels - you have to add to memory 1st one at a time.
Both correct. There is a dedicated squelch button on the side and then just up or down to adjust. The scan mode setup does at least mean you don't get all the traffic you're not interested in.
10 January 2008, 21:20
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Originally Posted by MikeCC
Both correct. There is a dedicated squelch button on the side and then just up or down to adjust. The scan mode setup does at least mean you don't get all the traffic you're not interested in.
The squelch is a bit severe - it is off on position 0 and then it is on at position 1 so not much adjustment. Having said that it seems to work well enough but a knob would be nice!!!
10 January 2008, 21:23
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Originally Posted by SteveHall
Anyone use one of these? Icom IC-M71
The reason i asked about the IC-M71 is the fact that the M1 did so well
10 January 2008, 21:50
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Don't get me wrong, the waterproof M-71 is a really good handheld It's 6w too rather than 5w when on hi power-so 3x the power of the cheapo Cobra tat.Mine's taken quite a beating and a good few dunkings and is like new still The Li-on (think it's Li-on, might be NiMh) battery seems to hold charge for ages too.
I just think you'll get a better deal from Standard Horizon price-wise for pretty much the same spec unless you want a floating one.
<edit> yes, it's a Li-on 200mah battery.
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10 January 2008, 22:13
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I was considering a floating Icom but then I saw that it only just floats so still isn't that visible. Also it's battery life is compromised. The HX270e is so small it can easily remain attached to your jacket or in your pocket - perfect.
I don't think wattage really makes that much of a difference - aerial height is so much more important.
11 January 2008, 05:46
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I use one of those hi-vis floating straps they make for binoculars - much easier to see than a mostly submerged black radio. (Yes ... learned from bitter experience!)
11 January 2008, 06:30
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I bought the I-com floating one after my last one sunk  It may be more expensive, but still cheaper than having one sink..
Although it floats I have still attached a couple Inflating keyrings just to make sure I can see it.
11 January 2008, 10:48
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Originally Posted by SteveHall
Anyone use one of these? Icom IC-M71
I have one with the water proof handset and it is an excellent setup. Best feature is the long standby battery life. Would certainly buy it again.
11 January 2008, 11:08
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11 January 2008, 11:10
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I would defiantly recommend a standard horizon hand held. I've got both the £89 one (the model escapes me) and the HX500e with fist mike. Both are really solid, totally waterproof and the battery lasts for absolutely ages. I used to have a £100 silva thing that didn't like getting wet, had a terrible battery life (it needed charging after a days use) and was big and heavy. The SH sets are really solid (I've dropped mine and it doesn't mind) are totally waterproof (left one in a locker full of water for a few days and it worked fine after). The MX500e is a bit smaller than the other model, and has more features. The only downside is that it doesn't like being near other electrics; if I get it too close to the console it makes lots of noise. I believe SH are working on a fix for this. The downside for the other model is that the belt clip is a complete pain; the one on the hx500 is much more usable.
11 January 2008, 11:19
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i have to agree with tim. I have a Standard Horizon HX 500 and is really good, espically with the fist mike.
I believe Jon Brooks, has posted on here about a deal that they are doing at the London boatshow on the HX500. Have a look on here.
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11 January 2008, 12:38
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Recomened VHF
I would most certenly go with the icom ic-m71 i have one of my own and it is the best i have ever had.
The AquaQuack function is superb if you get water in the speaker jsut press 2 buttons on the radio and you hear a sound like 9 sec buzzingand water no more
Also it is compactand easy to use
The shape of it fits right into your hand it feels almost like a thick mobile phone
You can get a yellow canvas case for them which was made for the M1EuroV but it fit's the IC-M71 perfectly so you can see it if it fall's over board
Certenly go for the ICOM IC-M71 best radio i have ever used
PS - I used to have the ICOM IC-M21 great little radio
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