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Old 17 December 2006, 00:22   #21
Country: Ireland
Town: Galway
Boat name: rockhopper
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 525

Range and distance using Radio waves.

Hmmm! Now you are in my areay of expertise boys!!!
Brian, its on;y in the last few years that a health warning comes on the back of a packet of fags.

Question? Have you ever heard of any energy levels being good for you?
Do not tell me that you are all so young that you never herd of thepeople who "Fried" having their sambo infront of the Radar.

Ok Guys so that you know, RADAR is the same as Microwave but a slightly diff freq that makes water molecules Resonate (Microwave). If it was the same, most of the navy would be dropping off like flies...

But it is similar, now which of youw wants to bet..
Mobile phones are the same but by the time it takes me to prove this, it will not matter anyway as no one will do without them.
SO you know, low watt Radio waves and Blue tooth should be ok, but it will take just as long to prove that.

Take my advice and do not I repeat Do not put your mobile phone in your breast pocket in front of your heart or in front of your liver. Young men, as in those trying for family, put it no where near your UNO.

You want proof. Wwll all i say is Pi..S Off, it will come to you soon enough. and when it does, who will do without the mobile phone.

Really if you call on the WW2 Guys, they will recount stories of people frying infront of antennas of Radar and such/ In fact, It will take too long to explain and there are better guys more qualified than me but I would remind you of teh "Sunglasses for teh French Idiots watching Atomic Boms in the Bikini Atoll,,, Bloody french again.

Anyway trust me the Energy received TXd is proportional to the amplitude, Frequenc, and medium (skin/air etc) over the distane between source and Rx Squared. Roughly translated the further away that yoru are the better times the better.

Radar waves are dangerous and shoul be always avoided from Radio to Mobile to RADAR...
Nowlets hear it from the Boys who said smoking is really not bad for you, oh neither is agent orange.... these people are gov gobshites, they do not know
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