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Old 28 January 2010, 18:42   #1
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Smart craft gauges - tech query

Connected up the OB today....still plenty to do, but have a nuisance problem with the smartcraft which I can't find an answer for...can anyone help?

In short....

The OB has only previously run with the tacho (no speedo attached).

Speedo has now been attached.

Previously the OB ran as one of a pair (not entirely sure this is relevent to the query...but just in case)

The smart craft seem to work fine...except once running the checks the TACHO shows "Fault Oil Level" and "Fault Fuel Level"

We don't /won't be connecting a fuel gauge (using existing one for now).

The Oil reservoir (remote) connections have been cleaned etc and (although not definately) seem okay. We have extended the wiring to reach the new location, but am confident it is okay (unless the resistance in the wire is causing the issue...possible but not my first suspicion).

Have looked at the Smartcraft handbook and it says that "Fault Oil level" and "Fault Fuel level" should show as faults on the SPEEDO and not the TACHO as is the case.

Could this be because the TACHO is still 'looking' for fuel and oil level as a throw back to it's previous installation where there was no SPEEDO?

We have done resets on both gauges...but no change.

Can anyone advise how to rectify this? (is there a complete wipe clean /reset we could do?)

Further, as we won't be using the fuel level function (regardless of which gauge it shows on) can this be wiped or will it always show as a fault as it's looking for the fuel level?

Am concious this is a long and convoluted question, but it's driving me bananas!


Dan Worth

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Old 28 January 2010, 20:54   #2
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There's some old thread(s) on here about people having problems running smartcraft gauges without fuel senders connected. If you do a search, you should find it.
Don't recall anything about oil level problems - maybe the sender in the oil tank is defective?
Hopefully Dirk, turbodiesel or Marinautic will come in with some suggestions.
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Old 28 January 2010, 21:08   #3
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Cheers Brad, have been searching the web all evening with no luck.....will do a search of the forum re the fuel thing!

The Weird thing is that everything I can find says that the Speedo should show low oil and low fuel's the Tacho showing them in this case?!?

Dan Worth

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Old 29 January 2010, 06:54   #4
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Dan. Go here and then on to download center and you will be able to get a manual to take you through a master reset and all other settings
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Old 29 January 2010, 07:50   #5
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Thanks Ian...unfortunately, has already downloaded these.

Have perfromed the master resest on both gauges several times....

The weird thing is this....

The TACHO is showing "Fault" (in black box) with "Oil Level" and then "Fuel Level" beneath it alternating (no audible alarm....and it is working).

None of the manuals show this as a screen option!

The closest I can find is that the SPEEDO should show a "Low Oil" and "Low Fuel" warning...

The different wording and the fact it's the TACHO doing it are really stumping me.

As soon as it stops raining I'm going to see if the SPEEDO is in fact showing an Oil Level at all......

Otherwise the rest seems okay at the moment...but does seem strange that the manuals don't show the screens it is displaying???

I'm stumped!

Dan Worth

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Old 29 January 2010, 09:10   #6
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Originally Posted by Dan Worth View Post
In short....

The OB has only previously run with the tacho (no speedo attached).

I am not exactly sure but I think you may need a dealer with a ddt to program the set up to recognise as a single installation ? It may be searching for the starboard pair ?

Post on here and you will probably get some good info

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Old 29 January 2010, 09:33   #7
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smart craft gauges

when you set your gauges you start with the tacho, fuel gauge and oiltank put thier capacitys at nil or zero you have now switched those tanks of,if you do not have a paddle wheel fitted you will also get an icon come up about temprature that is in the soft ware if you want to give me a ring my number is 01869 326411
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Old 29 January 2010, 14:45   #8
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Feeling a bit of an idiot!

Uncle Al / Jeff et al....

I am an idiot.....

The fault fuel level warning is due to not having a sensor in the tank....using the old mech system for now (Will the fault trigger guardian mode? / can i switch it off?....will search the forum /any advice would be great).

HOWEVER...the oil level fault was my own VERY stupid fault....When cleaning the sender connections on the remote tank i had unscrewed the cap...Having been through everything with a fine toothed comb we finally stumbled on the fact that the float was unable to lift as it was against the side of the tank

Now working perfectly! (Fuel issue remains)

Feeling stupid, but pleased it's sorted!

Thanks all

Dan Worth

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Old 29 January 2010, 15:11   #9
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I think the fuel issue is just a setting, when you go through the gauge settings, is the tank capacity setting showing 0, if it is it will still be looking for a tank, you will need to adjust that to none I think. check the instructions as I can't remember the exact words on the screen.
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