17 May 2014, 21:18
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standard horizon cp180i no gps fix
Fired up after a few weeks and the unit can't acquire any satellites, have tried numerous times and have cleared the unit memory as per the troubleshooting guide, still no success, anyone had similar?
18 May 2014, 09:03
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Do theses ones slide on and off the connections like the 175?
18 May 2014, 10:07
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Originally Posted by Jizm
Do theses ones slide on and off the connections like the 175?
It's a cp180i so the aerial is an internal one, the only connection is for the power/nmea wires, I've disconnected & reconnected that one but still no joy.
18 May 2014, 11:10
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Originally Posted by Kernow Buoy
Fired up after a few weeks and the unit can't acquire any satellites, have tried numerous times and have cleared the unit memory as per the troubleshooting guide, still no success, anyone had similar?
You've bought the 'for display only ' unit ya tight git! It has no guts! :-D
18 May 2014, 12:40
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Where are you testing it and how long have you given it for a fix. In a clear sky with no obstructions and no previous fix on the machine to begin with it has to download quite a lot before it begins. Trouble is you will get bored. Unplug it to see why it's not working and it may need to begin again.
It plug it in. Position it with a good view of the sky check with smart phone that there are plenty of sat s visible. Then leave it for at least 20 minutes. Preferably an hour without moving it. Touching it. Or switching it on or off.
An hour should be plenty long enough for a couple of drinks in the pub. Come back and see if it knows where you are.
Self contained aerial: is it designed to lie flat like your iPhone or stand up? If no luck one way try the other.
18 May 2014, 12:52
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Page 90 of the manual... You haven't accidentally switched the GPS off?
Failing that. Sealed unit fault.. Back to SH for fix.?
18 May 2014, 12:57
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
An hour should be plenty long enough for a couple of drinks in the pub. Come back and see if it knows where you are.
But that's easy - he'll be right there beside it. Ask it a harder question, like which pub he was in...
18 May 2014, 13:01
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My SH unit picks up satellites within seconds of being powered up and did so from new. KB and I are 26 miles apart thankfully. :-)
18 May 2014, 13:11
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Yep as per the Penryn pirate it usually picks up a fix in seconds (even under a roof) she's parked outside with a clear blue sky, I've even moved her and parked elsewhere. Been on for 2-3 hours and not a trace of a satellite let alone a fix. I see the manual mentions the re-chargable battery in the gps aerial section but it's had a 12v supply to it for hours now, will check about switching the gps off though SShoe, haven't done anything to it since last use mind.
18 May 2014, 14:40
Country: UK - England
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The answer may lie up at Trefullock Moor. The Snozzle pikies have pikied all the local staterlights and weighed 'em in, p'raps?
18 May 2014, 15:08
RIBnet admin team
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I've put some thought to this problem.
Seeing as you are only 26 miles apart and Kernow Bouy's plotter works in a shed but not outside, and Mollers 180i is always in a shed..., well anyway, perhaps a swap is in order?
18 May 2014, 15:14
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
I've put some thought to this problem.
Seeing as you are only 26 miles apart and Kernow Bouy's plotter works in a shed but not outside, and Mollers 180i is always in a shed..., well anyway, perhaps a swap is in order? 
But, but, mine's a 600.
18 May 2014, 16:03
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Sorry hadn't read the op properly. Didn't realise it was working for a bit.
No reason for a slow fix unless switched off for ages or moved 100's of miles. Even then you'd be 3-5mins normally.
Either it's switched off in the settings (presume it would then look for a fix coming in from NMEA) or lose connection on something. As all internal that means a job for SH. SH customer services has good rep so I'd be getting in touch rather than wasting too many hours on it
13 June 2014, 06:32
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Off to Standard Horizon and diagnosed as a failed gps internal aerial, £90 to replace including postage.
13 June 2014, 08:16
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Since two weeks I have the same problem with my CP 300i. We were on the way to London and near Ramsgate I had no GPS Signal anymore. I also tried all the things you tested. Resetting RAM etc.. no success.
I found this here in the internet.
Boat Angling Ireland • View topic - Standard Horizon CP300 - Be Careful
So I opened the unit to look afte loosen connectors. But nothing to find.
Greetings from Germany
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