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Old 12 January 2012, 10:50   #1
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Streaker/Orange
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Stereo fitting ...

I've been meaning to post these for a while as I fitted this back in October.

I've had a CD/radio on the old boat but was never happy as you cant hear it at any speed and CDs just jump all over the place.

As Streaker is a slower and quieter ( anything is than a big 2 stroke ! ) I wanted somehting that was simple, small and cheap but waterproof.

Fusion had just released their MSRA200 so had a look and was impressed enough to buy it and a couple of speakers. Added bonus is it can play VHF channels & FM radio and any IPOD ( excpet the shuffle) plugs in easily with a std cable while still having full control on the helm while the ipod is inside the console ( not in a mounting however - but I put it in a bag and it sits happily in a corner.

All came well packed and with the suitable templates for cutting the holes etc. Always a scary moment to drill that 1st hole somewhere so obvious, but soon had the holes cut. I checked, checked again and rechecked the depth of the unit and speakers so they would 100% clear the other 'stuff' behind them.

The end result is as shown. I'm only using 2 of the four speaker outs from the unit as I dont think I need any more than 2. Sound quality is very good and while I have mounted the FM aerial inside the console to keep it out the way and protect it ( its a cheap £10 job from halfords) I get VHF quite well.

Not much more I can cram into or would need on Streaker ?....maybe the DSC version of the handheld in time, but then again its a strictly inshore & nice weather boat only.
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Old 12 January 2012, 12:00   #2
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I've not been very complementary of Fusion in the past as had a nightmare with my iPod one, but after badgering a kiwi bird in holland I got the part i needed and have to say I came away very happy customer.

I have wakeboard speakers on my arch, make the boat look like Mickey Mouse but they sound great.
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Old 12 January 2012, 12:06   #3
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Superb job. Looks very neat and smart. You'll have to let us know how it sounds when your using the boat. I have been considering adding a stereo but was unsure how much we would actually hear over the engine. I appreciate probably not a lot when your full throttle but at slower speeds it should be ok. Im also in a similar position to you and fast running out of space on the console. Vhf, 3 gauges, gps, fish finder and now possibly a stereo too.

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Old 12 January 2012, 12:20   #4
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The potential ipod problem is another reason why I chose this model . It haa a USB port on the back which you can ( apparantly) plug any USB MPS player into , or I use spare lead exactly the same as plugs your ipod to a PC USB to connect it .

I used it on the Nacho run for the first time and I think as with most open boat systems up to 15knts its great....above that its wind noise is the problem.

Its more for the slower river and harbour areas round here where max is 10knts and mornally more like 4-6 .
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Old 12 January 2012, 13:23   #5
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Alright Pete. What model was it and where did you get it. I'm doing a new boat and that's on his list

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Old 12 January 2012, 13:58   #6
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by biffer View Post
Alright Pete. What model was it and where did you get it. I'm doing a new boat and that's on his list

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Hi Biff - its this one ;

200 Series Marine Stereo (MS-RA200) | FUSION Electronics

Was about £160 and speaker about £45 . Fusion speakers seem to stand up well to the water ( based on what I know Steves boat has been through ). I got form a contact downthis way but he doesn't do them any more, but they are cheap enough with a cheeky deal all over the place.

Was simple, cheap and small enough for me without any opening bits to let water in and means I can plug in any ipod I want and use it. As I said the IPOD does float about inside the console , but they are pretty tough and its in side a waterproof bag anyway just in case !

A big plus for me is VHF played out via decent speakers as I found even the bigger fixed sets are too quiet on a RIB and this means you are not in to stand alone speakers for decent volume VHF.

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Old 12 January 2012, 15:07   #7
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I just fitted a replacement Aquatic AV Ipod and FM Radio unit, with 4 speakers, mid/base and treble, sounds great and I can hear it travelling at 40Knots, am also going to be fitting a sub woofer unit into the inside of the console for extra bass.

Aquatic AV also do fully enclosed units that you can fit in a sutable locker and have just a wired or bluetooth control pod on your dashboard, that might be an option if space is limited on the dashboard.
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Old 12 January 2012, 15:10   #8
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That looks like a much better idea than mine, I need to keep ordering these inserts for every device I use.

Not sure if they are the same power but my little girl had Kylie up full on the way home from Bembridge last Sunday and it was plenty loud enough at 26 knots.
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Old 12 January 2012, 15:16   #9
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by thomas View Post
That looks like a much better idea than mine, I need to keep ordering these inserts for every device I use.

Not sure if they are the same power but my little girl had Kylie up full on the way home from Bembridge last Sunday and it was plenty loud enough at 26 knots.
2 concerns ...

1) KYLIE !!!!!
2) You shoudl have been inYarmouth eating Nachos with us on Sunday !
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Old 12 January 2012, 15:36   #10
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1. I have a 7 year old, I'd listen to Hanna Montanna if it means we can all go out on the boat.

2. I did want to but it was our first weekend together for a while and was lucky to get them out at all, a quick nip over from Chichester was all I could get away with, as our friends took over the Pilot Boat it made it easier to encourage the Mrs (she does't do cold)

I do intend to do every other cruise on the Solent as would be good to meet a few on here, will get Kylie warmed up for the IOW trip
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