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Old 04 June 2020, 23:14   #1
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Suzuki DF140 (2006) questions


Have a Suzuki DF140 (2006 build) and a couple of questions.

With battery isolator off, turning the key on the remotes will power up the guages/warning buzzer but I'm unable to start the engine without turning the isolator on.

I'm assuming that's because the cable highlighted in the attached wiring diagram is connected directly the the battery and the cables leading to the engine are connected to the isolator switch? Is this the usual way to do things or should the control box be on the isolator switch too? I see no reason why it shouldn't be.

Secondly, we are looking at cabling up the engine to a Garmin echoMAP 75sv plotter.

Do we need to set up a full NMEA 2k network or can the engine be connected directly to the plotter?

If we need to set up a network what cables do we need to run? I assume we have to connect to the SDS port under the hood?

Any help/advice much appreciated.

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Old 04 June 2020, 23:44   #2
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Suzuki DF140 (2006) questions

I suspect that whoever rigged the engine made a boo boo. The battery isolator should be just that, an isolator. The only thing that normally bypasses the isolator is the bilge pump. I have a DF140, which I rigged, when the isolator is off, the boat is dead, apart from the aforementioned bilge pump.
Re. Connecting the engine to your NMEA2000 network, good luck[emoji849]. The Suzuki implementation of NMEA 2000 is abysmal. You will need an engine interface of a similar era to your engine. They (Suzuki) have changed the hardware & software that make up the interface over the years with each iteration of the engine. Older engines are incompatible with newer interfaces. You used to be able to flash the interface with the software appropriate to the engine year, the current interface can’t be flashed backwards.
The Suzuki outboard owners forum is a great source of knowledge. The member Moonlighter has written a paper on the subject which is a good starting point.
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Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
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Old 05 June 2020, 00:03   #3
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Thanks Dave that's really helpful
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Old 09 June 2020, 21:47   #4
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Suzuki DF140 (2006) questions

Hi Rigi36,

I run a DF150 on Ribcraft 6.3 (2008) with factory wiring and behaves in exactly same way. Do not see this as a problem tbh as long as you have no dodgy wiring that could risk draining the battery

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