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Old 09 February 2012, 22:53   #21
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Looks like our last two posts crossed in mid air. That's good so power is via a power terminator and not the LCX. The HDS can in fact provide NMEA2k GPS data to the network from the internal reeiver but if you have selected the LGC 4000 that's fine in doing that you get 5htz update speeds rather than 1htz. I asked this question because if the network went down momentarily and crashed the interface you would also get a GPS not responding message on the LCX. Have you ever watched the device list at the point the interface drops out? Do all the other devices remain on the network?

There is a newer software version available which may be worth trying too.

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Old 09 February 2012, 23:10   #22
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When I got the HDS the istructions said it couldn't provide outputs onto the network from the GPS module. I have always kept the system set for using the single aerial mounted on the A frame right over the transducer so as to not introduce a couple of metres deliberate inaccuracy into wreck positions.

On searching I can see there is a 2.3.0 version for the interface and managed to get it from an australian fishing forum.
Last time I checked I am sure I had all the plotters updated to the latest versions but have never seen anything for interface updates even on the Lowrance site.
As far as I can tell the rest of the network stays up, just the engine info stops being displayed.
If the whole network crashed I would also lose info being cross linked between the plotters suerly? One odd thing which I am sure I saw at the weekend was no info form the engine but the engine diagnostic was showing OK. Not 100% sure of this but I think while I was flicking through the LMF pages it was still showing OK but not rev fuel data was displayed.
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Old 10 February 2012, 05:52   #23
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Can you explain the last bit of your post. When you lose your engine data is the interface dropping off the network or can you still see it on the device list? (on the HDS or LCX)

Also how and when do you start getting data again?
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Old 10 February 2012, 08:26   #24
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Originally Posted by BruceB View Post
One odd thing which I am sure I saw at the weekend was no info form the engine but the engine diagnostic was showing OK.
That doesn't surprise me! When my interface started to die it also said engine OK even though the engine wasn't even connected. I don't think it is smart enough to hide the OK response unless it actually receives an error from the engine ecu.

Interesting that you found the software update on an Aussie forum. I did too and updated my unit. It now provides engine temp which it didn't previously.

Your problem sounds very much like a motion/vibration issue. It's a PITA but I would swap the backbone cable if you can or hook up a temp one and see if that makes a difference. I had a dodgy T on my installation at first which was very intermittent but was luckily something I found whilst the boat was still at home.
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Old 10 February 2012, 12:09   #25
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So are you saying that without fail when teh boat is sat in the water and you start the engine that you get the fault, yet with the engine on the drive running on muffs the fault does not appear.

That would suggest to me a water ingress issue perhaps, very odd !.
Chris Stevens

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Old 10 February 2012, 15:39   #26
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Nope, works OK on the drive even with the engine running no matter what I wiggled or crosslink.
Stops working occassionally on the water and is gradually getting worse.
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Old 10 February 2012, 15:52   #27
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Originally Posted by SPR
you tried using a big bin of water to test engine in drive way?
back to my first post...this will put the leg under water, next I would fill boat up with water and inside skin of boat if the cables are being run under deck...

This might simulate being on the water!
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