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Old 23 August 2015, 20:54   #1
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switch panel?

i have a bluesea switch panel similar to this Blue Sea 4 Switch Circuit Breaker Panel
it might be just me being thick but i have had a couple of the switches go inoperative, how do they reset? i have fiddled about with them but just cant do it. thanks, mark.
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Old 24 August 2015, 18:11   #2
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Instructions here, which just say "Press switch to 'OFF' first and then press switch to 'ON'"
If that doesn't sort it then it could be issues with the feed to & from the particular switch or the switch could be defective. Time to dig out the meter or a test bulb.
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Old 25 August 2015, 07:16   #3
Country: Canada
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As above, use a 12 volt test light if you don't have a multi meter. TURN BAD SWITCH - ON. Clip ground lead to battery NEGATIVE post.
Press probe on Battery side of contact on breaker, then Switch side of breaker. If tester lights on battery side of breaker power to it is ok. If no power, power from panel positive Bar to breaker is bad or connection is broken at bar.
Otherwise there's a break or SHORT between the breaker and item being powered or a ground wire of or shorted at the item or up the line to the negative switch panel bar.
NOTE: on some switch lighted switch/fuse panels, the power runs through the light first in series then onto the switch. So if the light burns out no power can get to the switch after the breaker. Good luck
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Old 27 August 2015, 20:35   #4
Country: Canada
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Posts: 216
Here's what I made a few years ago for my Sib. Space being so limited I made it with compactness in mind. Anyway, it has a switch/fuse box mounted on top that's fully functional. Heavy Amperage items, such as support batteries, High output electric trolling motor, downrigger (I converted my 'Canon' downrigger to electric and all other types of high amperage stuff connects to the right bottom connector (10 gauge). Med amperage items connect to the four connectors on left bottom and cig lighter type stuff connects to the black weather protected lighter socket - bottom center. The pictures no hell lol but it works well. The only thing I didn't add back then was a battery switch will I will ad this winter.
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