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Old 09 March 2009, 11:10   #1
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Talking Sense About C -Map Please

I am looking for some sofwae to allow me to graphcially position waypoints and then get an output of waypoints that I can then add to my Garmin 550s. Preferably without having to re type them all !

Does anyone out their have C-Map or C - Map NT (I gather the NT version is just a better version)

I dont expect this software to take into accounts tides, currents, speeds or True / Magnetic differences but if I can at least graphcially plot a route, extract the long / lat and get chart datums I would be happy

I a presuming this software runs "stand alone" so I do not need to have it connected to a GPS ?

Does it print out routes ?

How about updates to the charts

Does it cover all of the UK and accross to France or do I get stung for loads of charts ?

Anything else that you think would be of use, let me know
Jon H
Landlocked in Northampton
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Old 09 March 2009, 18:25   #2
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C-map do a card reader that allows you to run a PC proggie to create/edit your routes and waypoints, these can then be saved to a data card and uploaded to a plotter. You can also load your chart cards the same way to get your points spot on. I seemto remember it having a print out capability.

C-map map cards can only be updated by a c-map dealer. When the preloaded charts on your 550s goout of date then you will need to buy a card to give the latest data. The number of charts you need to buy wil ldepend on the ara you want to use the boat,also they do different size cards and the big cards cover big areas, but cost a bit more.

Hope this helps, if not I can send you some bite,just PM me.
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Old 09 March 2009, 21:37   #3
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prs comms 01255 240523 pre program and update the cards, and you will get the c-map pc planner off them aswell. In my case the easy bit was buying them
Top banana
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Old 10 March 2009, 01:30   #4
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Just to be clear, the Garmin 550 (or any Garmin for that matter) does not use C-Map cards. Using the C-Map charts for route planning will mean buying them plus any Garmin updates you need.

Garmin Trip and Waypoint Manager should help though - around £22 plus a card reader and SD card.

The product is quite basic but will do the job if you just want to bash in waypoints. It will also read in GPX files from other systems. I don't think there's any third party products that directly convert to/from Garmin format (but stand to be corrected).

You may need to format the SD card in the 550 before being able to download waypoints onto it.
Tel 01395 227727
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