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Old 07 August 2011, 08:54   #1
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Through hull on a Garmin Fishfinder 90

Hi all

I currently have a Cliper depth sounder fitted to the rib. The transducer is mounted in the hull about 2/3rd of the way back - I couldn't get it any further

It's started to read deep, and I mean 40' when it shoudl be reading 8! I'm guessing that it's had it's day? I don't use it that often but I'm pretty sure that it used to read correctly.

I've been looking at a Garmin Fishfinder 90 but all the adverts seem to state that they come with a Transom Mount Transducer.

My question is can these be hull fitted (internal) or do I need a different transducer?Is the Clipper caput or could there be another issue (like these shouldn't be hull fitted)?



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Old 07 August 2011, 09:12   #2
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I have a Eagle cuda 168 wide screen ad that had a trasom mounted skimmer transducer where my old eagle magna 2 had a shoot throught.
The cuda's transducer can be fitted as a shoot through bu simply roughing up the bottom of the transducer and epoxying it to the hull in the same way a shoot throught is fixed.
It works perfectly as its in the same place as where the old one was.

only this is I dont get a proper temp reading as it sits in the sump at the back and not in the water.

I guess the Garmin skimmers are the same
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Old 07 August 2011, 20:01   #3
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just silicon it in - will be fine try it first with some water round it in the req position
Dave M
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Old 07 August 2011, 21:35   #4
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Originally Posted by treerat View Post
Hi all

I currently have a Cliper depth sounder fitted to the rib. The transducer is mounted in the hull about 2/3rd of the way back - I couldn't get it any further

It's started to read deep, and I mean 40' when it shoudl be reading 8! I'm guessing that it's had it's day? I don't use it that often but I'm pretty sure that it used to read correctly.

I've been looking at a Garmin Fishfinder 90 but all the adverts seem to state that they come with a Transom Mount Transducer.

My question is can these be hull fitted (internal) or do I need a different transducer?Is the Clipper caput or could there be another issue (like these shouldn't be hull fitted)?


hi, ive got the nasa clipper duet and i too have problems with the accuracy of depth readings, i am however in the process of fine tuning it - details of how to do this are in the handbook, failing that give nasa marine a call on 01438 221023, they are quite helpfull.
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Old 08 August 2011, 02:50   #5
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Originally Posted by treerat View Post
It's started to read deep, and I mean 40' when it shoudl be reading 8! I'm guessing that it's had it's day?
You sure the bonding between the transducer and hull hasn't started coming loose? Usually (AFAIK) they either work or not. All the ducer does is send the pulse and pick up the return; the head unit does the calculating as to what the delay to depth ratio is. So generally if you're getting weird readings, either the head unit is bad, or something's causing a delay (airspace will do it.)

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Old 08 August 2011, 06:14   #6
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= what jky says about transducer.

Only one type of transducer available for FF90. As before can be used a shoot-through with epoxy or silicone (latter good for trying out different locations)
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Old 08 August 2011, 18:13   #7
Country: UK - England
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Thanks guys, I'll check that it hasn't become a little loose. I didn't know that they could be tunned, so will eb checking that too.

Worst case is I'll go for the 90 if it fails when out this week.

Ta again

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