25 July 2009, 17:18
Country: UK - Scotland
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Under floor cables
I've been changing the transducer on the rib,I managed to get the new cable pulled through under the floor using the pull through Ribcraft left in place,great..however in my enthusiasm to get the pull cord back through to repeat the process for the GPS cable, I had brain fade regarding the method to employ in recovering the pull through cable to it's original place, and thought whipping twine would be strong enough...  it snapped with the rope only inches from the exit pipe...
So what I'm after is any pearls of wisdom re the way to get it out..I'm at a bit of a loss.
Any help would be appreciated.
25 July 2009, 17:28
Country: UK - Scotland
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In a similar situation I fed some garden hose in and just gently kept pushing back an forwards until it popped out the other end then tied some strong string to the hose to act as a pull through.
25 July 2009, 18:29
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ayrshire
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Originally Posted by Grasshopper
In a similar situation I fed some garden hose in and just gently kept pushing back an forwards until it popped out the other end then tied some strong string to the hose to act as a pull through.
Thanks Grasshopper,
just managed it with the hose,I put some washing up liq down the hose after it stuck a few times,on the basis that gravity would deliver the stuff to the blockage if you waited ..and it did..
25 July 2009, 18:58
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 78
Sorry should have mentioned that, I used olive oil as a lubricant.
Glad your sorted.
26 July 2009, 04:36
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How big is the duct?
If it's big, use a fish tape (available at any electrical supply place) to get through, and pull in a new pull-string.
If it's fairly small, tie a small piece of cloth to a new nylon line, attach a vacuum cleaner (the more powerful the better) to the opening (lots of duct tape will help direct the suck) and see if you can pull the cloth through.
Once that's in, pull out the cable that's stuck, tie that and a new pull-string to the installed line, and start pulling.
26 July 2009, 11:00
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by jyasaki
How big is the duct?
If it's big, use a fish tape (available at any electrical supply place) to get through, and pull in a new pull-string.
If it's fairly small, tie a small piece of cloth to a new nylon line, attach a vacuum cleaner (the more powerful the better) to the opening (lots of duct tape will help direct the suck) and see if you can pull the cloth through.
Once that's in, pull out the cable that's stuck, tie that and a new pull-string to the installed line, and start pulling.
I can see both ways working, however my problem had an additional element to it; the hose about 4" is presently full of cables from the engine etc.
I initially tried the tape measure (if that's what your suggesting by fish tape) and couldn't get it through, I'll try to remember the second method though that's a goodun for new installs...
26 July 2009, 18:21
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Originally Posted by IBWET
I initially tried the tape measure (if that's what your suggesting by fish tape) and couldn't get it through, I'll try to remember the second method though that's a goodun for new installs... 
Fish tape is different to a tape measure - it is also called draw tape or draw wire. it will work much better than a tape measure - I have this one:
and it works a treat
There are some more examples here:
and a slightly different system here:
26 July 2009, 20:47
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by chris123
Thanks Chris,
One on order.
27 July 2009, 15:53
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Fish tapes we have here are usually either some sort of spring steel or a long fiberglass rod. The steel ones are stronger, but can also abrade existing cables. The glass ones are bulkier, but easier on existing cables.
Both usually have a means of attaching the cable to be pulled: glass ones usually have a screw-on slotted tip; the steel ones usually have a loop formed in the material.
Different situations call for different tools, but, of course, you usually end up using what you've already got.
27 July 2009, 16:09
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I use the wire that's sold for net curtains, with the eyelet screwed into the end it's perfect for a bit of "pull through"
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
27 July 2009, 16:14
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I use nylon compressed air tubing, comes in loads of sizes so you can even use a large diameter to help with any cables that have a moulded plug fitted, or can push the end of the cable inside to give a smooth join when pulling the cable in the duct
we have loads at work
30 July 2009, 22:41
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I leave excess length at one end of one of the cables in the duct, so if another needs to be run through, it can be taped to the surplus-length cable and pulled through. Need to be sure the excess length is longer than the duct.
02 August 2009, 00:45
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great solutions to a somewhat common problem. thanks
I'll pick up some fish tape this weekend.
12 August 2009, 20:31
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by IBWET
I've been changing the transducer on the rib,I managed to get the new cable pulled through under the floor using the pull through Ribcraft left in place,great..however in my enthusiasm to get the pull cord back through to repeat the process for the GPS cable, I had brain fade regarding the method to employ in recovering the pull through cable to it's original place, and thought whipping twine would be strong enough...  it snapped with the rope only inches from the exit pipe...
So what I'm after is any pearls of wisdom re the way to get it out..I'm at a bit of a loss.
Any help would be appreciated.
I know you got the tow rope back but did you manage to pull the transducer plug through? When you saw me hiding under the console cover a couple of months back it was because I couldn't physically get my new transducer plug through the cable duct so had to cut it and solder it back together!
When my tow rope got wrapped round the other cables so many times it became useless, I used a spare teleflex control cable to run a new one - worked a treat!
Edit:- Doh, should have read the original post properly.. Just ignore me! I assume you got the GPS cable thro
12 August 2009, 21:28
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by al40
I know you got the tow rope back but did you manage to pull the transducer plug through? When you saw me hiding under the console cover a couple of months back it was because I couldn't physically get my new transducer plug through the cable duct so had to cut it and solder it back together!
When my tow rope got wrapped round the other cables so many times it became useless, I used a spare teleflex control cable to run a new one - worked a treat!
Edit:- Doh, should have read the original post properly.. Just ignore me! I assume you got the GPS cable thro
Yip I remember,
Watching you and your issue led to the lumpy TD plug end bit, being taped with nearly a whole roll of tape to make sure it was as unlikely to get stuck on the way through also used plenty sploshings of Fairy liq.
the only problem now is when the interior of the boat gets wet were all up to our ankles in suds..
14 August 2009, 07:34
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 380
Originally Posted by IBWET
Yip I remember,
Watching you and your issue led to the lumpy TD plug end bit, being taped with nearly a whole roll of tape to make sure it was as unlikely to get stuck on the way through also used plenty sploshings of Fairy liq.
the only problem now is when the interior of the boat gets wet were all up to our ankles in suds.. 
Out of interest, is your cable duct full of water? Mine is but I guess I don't have a full boat cover! Was contemplating sooking it out (with a vaccum rather than a straw) but decided it was no bad thing to have some water in there....
19 August 2009, 18:41
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 654
Originally Posted by al40
Out of interest, is your cable duct full of water? Mine is but I guess I don't have a full boat cover! Was contemplating sooking it out (with a vaccum rather than a straw) but decided it was no bad thing to have some water in there....
Yes it is,...after three years the liquid in the duct is truely gruesome, I thought many times about trying to get it out....if I can get my dive bottles in test, we could try to blow it out...don't think a cover makes any difference.
Check your e mail.
19 August 2009, 20:11
Country: UK - Scotland
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does your inner skin not drain out from the drain hole into the well? I try and vent mine everytime now as that is how my battery cables coroded.
Are you still heading for Dunstaffnage on the 28th?
I am going up to tayv this we/end weather looks ok.

'Carpe Diem'
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
Member of SABS ( Scottish West Division)
19 August 2009, 20:55
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ayrshire
Boat name: Raven
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150 suzuki
MMSI: 235040525
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 654
Originally Posted by jambo
does your inner skin not drain out from the drain hole into the well? I try and vent mine everytime now as that is how my battery cables coroded.
Are you still heading for Dunstaffnage on the 28th?
I am going up to tayv this we/end weather looks ok.

The under floor cable conduit in both Al40's Ribcraft and mine, emerge from both ends into the Consol/rear deck vertically,there is no oppertunity to drain into the well.. if there was I would have used it by now,or maybe you know something we don't (I certainly don't want coroded batt cables)any advise would be gratefuly recieved.
3 out of the 5 bod's going are in the process of building up the credits with the wives...if they get the nod we'll be up there on the 28th,hoping to do cory and staffa,I'll keep you posted.
20 August 2009, 09:31
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Girvan & Tayvallich
Boat name: Breawatch
Make: Ribcraft
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Originally Posted by IBWET
The under floor cable conduit in both Al40's Ribcraft and mine, emerge from both ends into the Consol/rear deck vertically,there is no oppertunity to drain into the well.. if there was I would have used it by now,or maybe you know something we don't (I certainly don't want coroded batt cables)any advise would be gratefuly recieved.
3 out of the 5 bod's going are in the process of building up the credits with the wives...if they get the nod we'll be up there on the 28th,hoping to do cory and staffa,I'll keep you posted.
Hi ian
probably wrong use of words and not expansive enough!! I had checked before with Ribcraft and they advised that it was all sealed and the cables were all marinised. They also advised that if water did get in that it would 'pop' out on the plain with a good forward thrust from standing, and that is what I try to do every time. If all all else fails suck on a tube.
Hope all your guys get passes.
Cheers sorry for the miss lead.
'Carpe Diem'
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
Member of SABS ( Scottish West Division)
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