25 September 2011, 16:39
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Vertical VHF Installation
Hi, I don't really have alot of room on my console, infact the only space I have is just in front of the seat which means the VHF will be facing straight up.
I have a Icom M411 but when speaking to the icom chap at the boat show he said they would not recommend it as water can collect on the speaker and behind the on/off knobs.
Does anyone know of another VHF (with DSC) that can be installed vertically or is this just not recommended at all.
25 September 2011, 16:58
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I would be reluctant to do it with any. Not what you want to hear I know.
Can you put it side-on, on the port side of the console?
25 September 2011, 18:25
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you can mount it vertically, but with the unit facing astern; prevents the water pooling on the speaker.
25 September 2011, 18:43
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Thought about a unit with a remote control mic? My standard horizon main unit is installed under the console on the passenger side with the mic next to the wheel on the drivers side. Never needed to touch the main unit on the water. Could just have easily installed inside the console. Its probably easier to read the screen on the mic on a bouncy day by holding it in front of your face than peering down to the screen on the main unit.
25 September 2011, 23:05
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I haven't had any trouble with mine. Its a Lowrance...
27 September 2011, 12:31
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Originally Posted by whisper
I have a Icom M411 but when speaking to the icom chap at the boat show he said they would not recommend it as water can collect on the speaker and behind the on/off knobs.
Oh.... you mean exactly the way mine's been mounted for the last 4 years?
Granted mine isn't vertical, but more like 45 degrees, the facia being in line with the slope of the console where the wheel is fitted. I surfwace mounted it, then built a box to protect it from getting knocked when people went forward.
No pics to hand, but if you want I can go point the camera at it.
27 September 2011, 15:47
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Originally Posted by Richard Selman
Thought about a unit with a remote control mic? My standard horizon main unit is installed under the console on the passenger side with the mic next to the wheel on the drivers side.
I have a SH PS2000, which was a purpose-built remote mounted unit. Unforunately, I think they quit making it for some reason.
You can still remote mount some of their units if you add on the remote mic (CMP25/30 or VH310, I think.) Would be a space-saving way to go.
27 September 2011, 16:39
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for all the advice here, I think the guy from icom was worried about sea water corroding the seals behind the knobs, however as my rib is garaged and we tend to go out in the better weather I think the chances of it getting continuously swamped will be quite slim.
Here’s a few points from the icom leaflet:
Water proof to 1m for 30 mins
IPX7 equivalent waterproof construction
AquaQuake draining function (which sheds water from the speaker)
I have read the manual and I can’t find anything in there about where it should be mounted.
At the boat show I looked a £220k Scorpion cabin rib and that had an almost vertical icom M411 installed on the console.
It’s a shame icom don’t make covers for their radios.
27 September 2011, 18:58
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My Navman has been mounted vertically for several years now, you can just see it in the image below.
I'm lucky to have a cover that drops over it, and an all over cover on the whole boat which keeps the weather out.
However, it has been rained on lots, covered with sea water after a stuff or two, and gets hosed off with the rest of the boat to get the salt off.
I'd suggest you attend a boat jumble or two to pick up a Navman or similar cover to drop over it, or make one up.
27 September 2011, 19:48
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I think it will be ok and at the end of the day it will be more sheltered than where I had it on my SR4.
27 September 2011, 20:06
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I had a Silva mounted vertically on my old boat. I did worry it might be a problem but it never was. Boat was covered when stored but it obviously got a good soaking when afloat (esp in Pembrokeshire "summers")
27 September 2011, 20:15
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My icom is mounted vertically. No issues at all! Don't have any pics to hand at the moment but will dig some out.
06 October 2011, 19:16
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Sea witch here
I have mine mounted vertically , but also have a plastic cover for it wen not used out on mooring , no problems at all but did with a navman 7200 wen the cable from mic to radio started splitting and leak water into the VHF unit itself .
06 October 2011, 20:30
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for all the advice here, I fitted it at the weekend and it all went ok. I did find that once you cut the hole you can still tilt it forward quite a bit so you can have it tilting if you want to pad it out along the back edge
06 October 2011, 20:45
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Looks like a very neat job. Do you have an a-frame? If not where is your antenna?
06 October 2011, 20:54
Country: UK - England
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Hi, Yes I have a removable ali a-frame, but the cable will be a continuous length so once the a-frame is removed it just lays in the rib so it can fit in the garage.
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