Another "Haven't got a clue" question from me.
I've never used VHF with DSC before on my families boats, always been the old VHF. But now I've got my own and the family bought me a ICOM M411 for christmas I need to find out more.
I've read up on the operation of it all so that's OK. I'm trying to remember my username for the OFCOM site with out much success

to get my MMSI number, so that will be a phone call when life returns back to normal

to ofcom.
The Garmin GPS 120 that came with the RIB is un tested as I've yet to get a battery in, but I'm hoping all is ok. This has the NME connection and the Icom has the NME connection. What I need to know is what lead to do I need to connect the two? Is it just a plug and play type connection or do I need to do some settings? Will they work together ok as the GPS 120 is on the old side.
And any hints or tips for easy installation.
Don't ask for much do I? But then again what other site offers such knowledge?