27 April 2014, 19:59
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VHF Antenna for A Frame
I just bought a new icom radio.
What suggestions can you give for a decent but cheap antenna to go on the A frame?
27 April 2014, 20:23
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Spend as much as you can on the antenna; make sure the coax is of good quality at least.
27 April 2014, 20:23
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27 April 2014, 21:24
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Originally Posted by Chris Caton
I've got these - great performance and easy to take the whip off if you want to reduce the height of your rig.
Previously I had Rib Raider antennas but always had problems with water getting into the connector under the antenna.
30 April 2014, 11:00
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I have Procoms stainless whip aerials on both my RIBs. They work well and it is worth buying their aerial cable with the swaged ends with removable plugs as well, makes it easy to pass through conduit etc.
MA 2-1 SC - PROCOM A/S - Marine VHF Antenna with Low Weight and Wind Load for Masthead Mounting
Price is in the £55 + VAT region.
30 April 2014, 22:40
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Try a Glomex whip antenna, they come with the cable so you don't have worry about getting the right sort.
01 May 2014, 00:12
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Thanks everyone.
I went for a Glomex GRP 1.5m antenna with a deck fitting which allows for it to be folded down when towing and the cover is on.
Yet to try it out.
01 May 2014, 07:04
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Ive just changed mine, was using a vitronix whip aerial, pretty crap performance in general. Have now changed to a Shakespeare GRP type of aerial, yes more expensive by a long way but having just tried it on my boat which is about 14 miles from the sea inland (onland) and was able to pick up the small boat channel traffic from poole harbour on ch 77 ! So pretty impressed.
01 May 2014, 07:43
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One tip which I am sure you are all aware of - make sure the aerial is fitted as high as possible and vertical this gives the maximum performance (range), and not swept back to make it look cool.
08 May 2014, 05:38
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Originally Posted by Seaflyer02
make sure the aerial is fitted as high as possible and vertical this gives the maximum performance (range), and not swept back to make it look cool.
In particular high gain antenna must be mounted vertical
08 May 2014, 07:07
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I Just fitted this one from shakespeare, got it via Amazon. Its a marine antenna with a neat folding feature built in. The whip is spring loaded into the base, the spring pulls the whip into a stainless steel tapered seat, so all you have to do is lift the antenna & fold it over. Very handy
24 May 2014, 09:10
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Pacific antenna for me now, easily removable as it just unscrews. It also removes easily when you back it into the garage and forget to take it off but at least it's easy to change!
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24 May 2014, 12:52
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Originally Posted by BogMonster
Pacific antenna for me now, easily removable as it just unscrews. It also removes easily when you back it into the garage and forget to take it off but at least it's easy to change!
Which one?
27 May 2014, 10:17
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Seamaster, I now have the 0.45m version and the 1m version which can be swapped in 30 sec.
The former is a soft 'rubber duck' type whip, like a bigger version of what you would find on a handheld radio, while the latter is made of a stiff steel/fibreglass mix (or something similar) and will snap. As I found out
Pacific Aerials Seamaster Pro VHF Helical Antenna - 1.0m - Only £23.95 - Force 4 Chandlery
I have a through deck mount on a plate on the A frame:
Pacific Seamaster Pro Through Deck Mount c/w 5m cable | allGadgets Marine
Be aware the 5m cable on this isn't long enough to reach the radio if your console is well forward like mine, I had to join mine under the helm seat.
I haven't tried to objectively compare the range but going on 'what I can hear where' there doesn't immediately seem to be a lot of difference from my limited observation so far.
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27 May 2014, 11:35
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Its becoming hard to find Pacific kit in the UK now as they are no longer being imported apparently. I've ordered 2 seamasters pro's and each time the supplier has emailed me to say they are out of stock and won't be getting any more.
I've decided to go for a Metz Manta now.
29 May 2014, 00:33
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I got both aerials recently after my little garage incident with no problem. Maybe I was just lucky.
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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06 June 2014, 20:02
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A friend of mine manages the force4 stores in Hamble do I've asked if she can get the items for me.
I emailed Pacific and they suggested a couple of boatbuilders may be able to supply.
I'll let you know how I get on.
I wonder what's involved in being their uk distributor.....
06 June 2014, 23:47
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Originally Posted by Trevor G
I've got these - great performance and easy to take the whip off if you want to reduce the height of your rig.
Previously I had Rib Raider antennas but always had problems with water getting into the connector under the antenna.
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