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Old 15 June 2004, 22:54   #21
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Budget Icom?

Originally Posted by Jon Brooks

Icom and DSC... the M401 is a cracking set IMHO but you can see from all the posts here I don't have to confirm that.
We know we have a whole in the line up at this time.
We need a budget all in one box VHF/DSC.
If it were going to happen from us it would not be here till later this year maybe late/end of this season I would have to guess!


Hi Jon,

So, can we deduce from the above that there is a compact Icom one box DSC set on the way?

If Icom produced a VHF about the same size, or maybe just a little bit bigger than the 401, I for one would buy one and I think that many others would.
I don't have room on my console for your bigger radios!

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Old 15 June 2004, 23:06   #22
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Originally Posted by Searider
Hi Jon,

So, can we deduce from the above that there is a compact Icom one box DSC set on the way?

If Icom produced a VHF about the same size, or maybe just a little bit bigger than the 401, I for one would buy one and I think that many others would.
I don't have room on my console for your bigger radios!

No comment

If I was designing it, it would be half way between the size of the M401 and the M503.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 15 June 2004, 23:21   #23
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
DSC..... there are to date in the UK less then 4 false alerts per year (thats is From Kim Fisher, head radio type bloke at the MCA)
Jon, methinks you've been spun a bit of a line here.

When I were a lad, less than 4 was 3. Let's face it, we've got to use integers 'cos you can't have a fraction of an alert!

Given that we heard one false alert last weekend, they're only expecting another 2 for the whole of 2004. Sounds suspicious to me.
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Old 16 June 2004, 00:02   #24
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This is mainly a question for Jon, but will likely be of interest to all!

Jon, I've been led to believe that an x01 VHF was a non DSC and an x02 was a DSC equipped unit, I see further up this thread you referred to a 503 which I'd never heard of but see on your site. I see your 601 is a DSC unit, so guess this puts paid to the above! Can you explain the model numbers if there is a system?

I'm working in the US at the moment and all the units here are x02 model numbers and all are DSC from the shop. Are there any differences between these radios and UK ones? (Apart from the price!)

What is Icom's position on warranties if I buy an american radio?

I see jon's logged off now, but for everyone's info Icom sell a 302 and 402 in the US with built in DSC, and a 502 with built in class D DSC. Have used a good few different DSC sets and the 502 we have is good and simple, 602 is even better. Icom do make excellent radios.

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Old 16 June 2004, 05:04   #25
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
We know we have a whole in the line up at this time. We need a budget all in one box VHF/DSC.
May I ask why ICOM cannot certify the 402 (I think) which has a DSC on it and from what I could see there was no difference in weight, and size to 401. Is just a thought.

Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
Oh Manos, thank you and cash is in the post
OOOOOOOOO I'll be waiting for the postmean at my door step
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Old 16 June 2004, 14:56   #26
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I've fitted the 401 to my last three boats because it does what it says on the tin. I like the big screen and the big buttons which are easy to use with gloves on. The only thing that gets up my nose is that you have to pay extra for a fitting kit if you are going to flush mount the unit rather than use the bracket supplied.

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Old 16 June 2004, 15:27   #27
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You can do it without the kit and it works. The unit stays in place and it does not come off on bumps and when jumping on the waves. We did this on all 4 ICOM units of ours without any probs (so far keep finger crossed)

Cut the consol as per drawing supplied, push the unit into the tight opening on the consol, use black sikaflex to seal the unit, get two small SS angle brackets, open one hole on both ends and screw them either side inside the unit and inside the consol and PRESTO!
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Old 16 June 2004, 15:41   #28
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Originally Posted by Manos
Thanks Manos, that's exactly what I did. But that's not the point. It would be nice if the proper kit was in the box to start with. (Consider yourself bollocked Mr. Brooks)

P.S. I was in the jetski warehouse across the field from you this week. Your lawn needs mowing.

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Old 16 June 2004, 17:12   #29
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Sorry have been away all day and only just checking the list.

The DSC radio's in the US, other than the M602 are not class D they are class F or SC101.
They do not have a dedicated watch keeping reciver for ch70 (DSC Channel)
They scan ch70 rather than watch it all the time.
The watch keeper is required by ITU rules.
We do not make the rules just have to work to them.

As a rule the mX01 are EU products the MX02 are US.
The M503 came up because we insisted we wanted the dual station verstion of the M501.

If you buy it in the US you will only get 1 year warranty, not 3 like we give also we will not service or repair it, more over it is not legal to have that kit in the UK/EU let alone use it.
£5000 fine and confiscation of the radio and its power supply (your boat)

In the US if you are a pleasure boat and you are staying in US waters you can use the lower standard of DSC (class F or SC101) if you are a commercial vessel and or are leaving the US waters then you must fit a Class D DSC.

Every one charges extra for thier flush mount kit you are lucky that with our you could, so I understand, use the bracket supplied although not recomended by us.

"less than 4" was the quote from Mr Fisher, don't shoot the messanger
What is classed as a false alert in your book may not be the same for the MCA.
People are not setting off DSC willy nilly its far to easy to trace them.

Hope I covered all the points

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 16 June 2004, 17:33   #30
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
"less than 4" was the quote from Mr Fisher, don't shoot the messanger
What is classed as a false alert in your book may not be the same for the MCA.
People are not setting off DSC willy nilly its far to easy to trace them.
Consider yourself well and truly not shot!!

Mr Fisher appears to ge giving it "a bit of spin" as it's pretty clear what's a false alert and what's not... if the big red button is pressed when it's not a genuine emergency, then it's a false alarm.
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Old 16 June 2004, 17:39   #31
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Originally Posted by Richard B
Consider yourself well and truly not shot!!
Why thanks you Richard, I think!!!

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 16 June 2004, 20:11   #32
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Hi Folks,
I have got the M601 fitted on the Ribcraft. By far the best set I have had on any Rib. It would however be nice to use the fog horn manually as well for 1,2,3, or 5 blasts.
I do not believe the CG will stop listening on 16. Maybe headphone listening watch but it will still come out of the loadspeakers on the PC's that they use!

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Old 16 June 2004, 20:38   #33
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
If you buy it in the US you will only get 1 year warranty, not 3 like we give also we will not service or repair it, more over it is not legal to have that kit in the UK/EU let alone use it.
Thanks for answering the questions, can you clarify what makes it illegal in the UK / EU as it is ITU approved?

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Old 16 June 2004, 20:47   #34
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Originally Posted by roohairy
Thanks for answering the questions, can you clarify what makes it illegal in the UK / EU as it is ITU approved?
They are only approved for US use not EU/UK use.
They are not CE marked either.

They are built to suit a diff market place.

All radio's for the EU/UK market must go through what is called R&TTE approval, none of the US kit would pass it.

Best man to ask is Mike Martin of Ofcom
He can give you full chapter and verse on why.
I can only scratch the surface.

But they are tightening up on "grey imports"
I would not want to get caught.

Hope that helps a bit more for you.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 16 June 2004, 22:07   #35
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for what it's worth I like Icom because when you dial Channell 69 a legend comes on the screen saying pleasure (tee hee)!

I have 4 Icoms 2 portables and two fixed sets and my son has just bought a Navman combined DSC/VHF but then he does work for Navmans importers.

I suspect that Icom are Tuned in enough (pun intended) to get a decent and practical combined set out there soon
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Old 16 June 2004, 22:32   #36
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
for what it's worth I like Icom because when you dial Channell 69 a legend comes on the screen saying pleasure (tee hee)!
Have to hold my hand up and admit to having a little laugh at that too last night!

I've used Icoms a lot in the past and think they're great, just a little miffed at the difference in price here in the states. You can see why people would want to import them! I can buy a DSC 502 and bring it back inside the personal import exemption.

Have to say I will definitely buy an Icom though.

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Old 17 June 2004, 06:33   #37
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Anyone know anything about the new raymarine combined set, this seems reasonably priced and by a well respected make (correct me if I am wrong)?
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Old 17 June 2004, 06:59   #38
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Originally Posted by Richard B it's pretty clear what's a false alert and what's not... if the big red button is pressed when it's not a genuine emergency, then it's a false alarm.
Just for information, in my previous life, we used to have different classifications of "false alarms" to ensure that statistics weren't used to justify failing to respond to an alarm.

False alarm "good intent" = Someone really thought there was a problem, but were mistaken.

False alarm "mechanical" = fault on the equipment.

False alarm "malicious" = Intentional activation of an alarm for kicks...

False alarm "cause unknown" = Generally, I haven't got a clue what happened and at two o'clock in the morning, couldn't care less....

So if we had more details of these FA’s on the DSC system we could see whether it’s people or equipment problem.

Personally, I like the “big red button” option. I feel that it’s easier to instruct novice crew what to do in the event that I have to leave the RIB in a hurry……..

Oh? The one we had difficulty in classifying... What do you call it when a spider walks into the sensor? The system is sure there’s a fire (Good intent), the system should exclude spiders (Mechanical) or the spider is doing it for fun……….

Cheers, Jono (The other one)
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Old 17 June 2004, 07:25   #39
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Originally Posted by Jono
Oh? The one we had difficulty in classifying... What do you call it when a spider walks into the sensor? The system is sure there’s a fire (Good intent), the system should exclude spiders (Mechanical) or the spider is doing it for fun……….
Cheers, Jono (The other one)

Solent Ribsters don't have that problem, too busy doing it for spiders and cobwebs,


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Old 17 June 2004, 07:44   #40
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Solent Ribsters don't have that problem, too busy doing it for spiders and cobwebs,


Have to be a blooming big spider to lift the flap and then hold the button for 5 seconds!!!!

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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