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Old 15 June 2004, 14:08   #1
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VHF Fixed radio

I would like some feedback off any one that has bought a fixed VHF Radio in the last year with regards reliability.

I have picked an Icom 401 VHF Radio with Mounting brackets and can get it delivered for £200. I have chosen this because of Icoms reputation and its small enough to fit my cockpit.

Unfortunately this radio does not have DSC built in. Its available as an upgrade and costs a small fortune to do so.

Can anyone elese recomend a Fixed VHF Radio, that is waterproof, rugged, with a loud speaker (I have a noisy engine) and has DSC at the £200 price point.

I see plenty of less than £200 models but was wondering if any one had personal experience of these cheaper models and could recomend one.
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Old 15 June 2004, 15:42   #2
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My flush mounted Silva s10 is still going well though everyone else seems to have packed up.

Mine was £170. Maybe ill put the replacement in a waterproof housing if this one dies.
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Old 15 June 2004, 15:54   #3
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Biggles the interface you need is a Mk1 human. Equipped with the most amazing computer they are able to read GPS LAT/LONG through twin optical devices and then talk into a radio with a voice communications system. More over they can then explain what the problem is, what they need and how many people on board etc or even explain they have it that big red button by accident.

If you already have the 401 (and I have a pair of them) then stick with them, perfectly good radio.

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Old 15 June 2004, 16:02   #4
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Biggles the interface you need is a Mk1 human. Equipped with the most amazing computer they are able to read GPS LAT/LONG through twin optical devices and then talk into a radio with a voice communications system. More over they can then explain what the problem is, what they need and how many people on board etc or even explain they have it that big red button by accident.

If you already have the 401 (and I have a pair of them) then stick with them, perfectly good radio.

.......assuming "The Good Lord" grants you enough time to do that before your boat is engulfed in flames/sinks/plague spreads etc....
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Old 15 June 2004, 16:05   #5
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Biggles I will stick with the ICOM. I have 8 fixed ICOM units on different RIBs (4 of them are the 401) and they all work perfectly OK. And Jon Brooks from ICOM is a supper guy and you get all the help and advise you need
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Old 15 June 2004, 16:14   #6
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Originally Posted by Jono
.......assuming "The Good Lord" grants you enough time to do that before your boat is engulfed in flames/sinks/plague spreads etc....
Alternatively, dither over the DSC, asking your crew:

"now, is it press and hold for a distress call, or press then read display... ooh, there's a funny message on the display, which button now, oh I seem to have cancelled it. I'll try again... hmmm... hope this works... have you got the instruction manual... d'oh!"

Heard a couple of false alarms recently - the standard VHF using a Mk1 human, MK1 voice and Mk1 brain was cleared up in 30 seconds. The DSC alert which detailed "vessel on fire" took about 30 mins and the intervention of other vessles in the Newtown Creek area to ascertain that there was no vessel on fire in the area.

Here's a technical question for those in the know... is a Mayday call automatically relayed by DSC sets or does it need human intervention? Remembering back to my course, I think it needs intervention...
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Old 15 June 2004, 16:17   #7
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I agree the IC401 is a very good VHF radio had it on Seahawk
now on Seahawk II I have the IC601 a bit more expensive but I went for the
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Old 15 June 2004, 16:23   #8
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Just got my second 401. last one was on a smaller rib and got a right thrashing and soaking. Still worked perfectly when I sold it. I would stick with the 401 until you feel DSC is a necessity.
Steve G
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Old 15 June 2004, 16:24   #9
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Originally Posted by Richard B
... is a Mayday call automatically relayed by DSC sets or does it need human intervention? Remembering back to my course, I think it needs intervention...
I'm not sure DCS set actually do anything, despite courses etc still think the set makes life harder rather than easier.

I have bought a Silva S15 DSC and regret it, not because the set is bad (well not yet), but because I know that over the next few years these radios will become cheaper, more reliable and easier to use and might actually be necessary. I think that the whole DSC thing will not really come into it own until all the existing VHF sets have died and I doubt that will happen for years.
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Old 15 June 2004, 16:45   #10
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Here's a technical question for those in the know... is a Mayday call automatically relayed by DSC sets or does it need human intervention? Remembering back to my course, I think it needs intervention... [/QUOTE]

From what I understand, it doesn't relay automatically via DSC. Intervention is needed.
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Old 15 June 2004, 18:07   #11
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Many thanks for all your help.

I had nearly chosen a Navman DSC 7100 on price and supposed waterproofness, but evryone seems to rate the Icom.

Guess I'll just have to do without the DSC for now. I think I should only need it for a couple of years then i will be changing my boat anyway.

I must admit I don't think the powers that be have got DSC right. It could have been so much better.

Nick R.
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Old 15 June 2004, 19:07   #12
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I was going for the NavCom also. Would that really be a mistake?

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Old 15 June 2004, 19:07   #13
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That would be a mistake! Navman, sorry
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Old 15 June 2004, 19:32   #14
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In my opinion I like having a distress system that can be initiated by telling my 7 year old son to lift the red flap and hold the button in until I say stop. In the mean time I am trying to put out the fire in the outboard.

I have dealt with false distress alerts via DSC, voice, Inmarsat standard C, A and E, flares, telephone (land, mobile and satalite) and believe me the one's that give the ID of the transmitting units are a lot easier to track down that Someone shouting Mayday and nothing else.

The technology exists to make your life easier, why not use it. Most false alerts via DSC have seemed so far to come from users that either have not had any training (SRC course) or have not updated thier old VHF ticket and have taken on board what the salesman told them i.e. "If you need the coastguard just press the red button)

Thes are my opinions and not that of the MCA

Its all got to go - make me an offer...............

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Old 15 June 2004, 19:53   #15
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I was informed rightly or wrongly by someone in the know that , in the solent area anyway, they will not respond to a DSC call for 2 HOURS because of the quantity of false triggers.

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 15 June 2004, 20:07   #16
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What are the guys without the latest sets going to do when CH16 is no longer monitored by the coastguard? Large ships no longer have to monitor CH16 now.
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Old 15 June 2004, 20:32   #17
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As far as I am aware the Coastguard will not stop monitoring ch16.

But you are correct vessels that comply with GMDSS regulations do not have to monitor channel 16. I belive thay may be listening channel 13 (bridge to bridge).

These are my opinions and not that of the MCA

Its all got to go - make me an offer...............

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Old 15 June 2004, 20:49   #18
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Originally Posted by Seamonstie
What are the guys without the latest sets going to do when CH16 is no longer monitored by the coastguard? Large ships no longer have to monitor CH16 now.
Given that they are all on auto pilot and the only living thing on the bridge is the ships cat, can't see there is going to be much change. It would be a brave ribster that challenged a cross channel ferry.

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Old 15 June 2004, 20:56   #19
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Given that they are all on auto pilot and the only living thing on the bridge is the ships cat, can't see there is going to be much change. It would be a brave ribster that challenged a cross channel ferry.


As I said Pete.

But they may respond to a all ships broadcast

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Old 15 June 2004, 22:45   #20
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DSC the real story

Ok guy's and girls here goes.
All the following is from my research, related to my work and as far as I am informed the truth.
There is a huge amount of duff data out there and have done my best over the last few years to get the right data where possible.
Yes well spotted it is my pet subject along with grey imports!!

Hope it all helps
(although I stand to be corrected)

Ch16..... as of Sept last year HMGC started a scale down of its ch16 monitoring. If the man/woman in charge of a particular centre felt the traffic was low they could move from a dedicated headset watch to a loudspeaker watch.
This will come into full effect at all sites as of April next year.
Whilst they say you will not get the response you do now if you do a voice mayday they will do their best to answer it and deal with it.
If you go out of UK water my advice would be fit DSC now, especially if you going Med bound!! In the UK at least you should be fairly safe on ch16 for the near future but there will no longer be a guy/girl with a headset on listening the ch16 24/7.

DSC..... there are to date in the UK less then 4 false alerts per year (thats is From Kim Fisher, head radio type bloke at the MCA) The HMGC will respond right away to a DSC Distress call as it is all computerised and semi automated, they have no choice but too.
They can not just ignore it the system wont allow it.

Commercial Ships (large)... should still monitor ch16 in practise they don't because they have DSC fitted by law, they are more likely to be watching ch13 (bridge to bridge)

Icom and DSC... the M401 is a cracking set IMHO but you can see from all the posts here I don't have to confirm that.
We know we have a whole in the line up at this time.
We need a budget all in one box VHF/DSC.
If it were going to happen from us it would not be here till later this year maybe late/end of this season I would have to guess!

IMHO and I have to agree with ginger, DSC has got to be the way forward.
What is important when you in distress? making sure you and your crew, which in most cases on here is your family, are safe. Not sitting at your radio going "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday etc. If DSC gives you those exra mins to put out a fire, grab the man over board, beat off the pirates then it has to be a good thing.
Thats from an informed, keen ribster not an man who works for Icom

There are some good products out there from other people, I have tried and tested most but, this is a big but, radio is Icom's core bussiness its not a side line to anything else we do. 40 years of building them to be exact.
We are the only company to offer 3 year warranty.
Also we are the only company that you will find on any internet forum.
Why? because I feel this is a very important way of reaching my valued customers.

Right enough of me!!
Oh Manos, thank you and cash is in the post

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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