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Old 10 March 2007, 17:23   #1
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VHF/GPS Combined

Does anyone make a combined vhf and gps unit? If not why not? Being an ex-electrician I like to keep things simple eg why connect two independant units if one will do the same job.
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Old 10 March 2007, 18:35   #2
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Courtesy of Jimbo a while ago. Only available in the US though.
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Old 10 March 2007, 19:00   #3
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Thanks but not quite what I had in mind. What I would like is a vhf/dsc with a built in gps so you don't need to link it up to get a gps signal. No plotter or fancy crap only a stand alone unit that gives position in the event of a distress message being sent.
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Old 31 May 2007, 20:52   #4
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Uniden has a unit that is a combo hand held GSP VHF radio. Seems like a very slick unit. Unfortunately it appears that there are issues with the marine maps. I guess you can only load one map in at a time. Here is the link to the Uniden Mystic VHF/GPS Mapping Marine Radio unit:

* JIS7 Submersible - Meets rigid JIS7 submersible standards.

* Full Screen Mapping GPS

* DSC (Digital Selective Calling) - Including Distress Button, Position Send and Request.

* Large Data Display Screens

* Full Navigation Screens

* Calling Party Position Indication

* Satellite Status Screen

* Compass Screen

* PC Interface for Uploading and Downloading Map Information

* S.A.M.E. WX

* Triple Watch Plus™ - Allows you to monitor emergency channel 16 and 9, another user selectable channel plus weather alert.

* Memory Scan - Allows you to scan all channels saved in memory.

* All USA/International and Canadian Marine Channels - Covers all USA, International & Canadian marine channels keeping you up-to-date with all the latest marine activity.

* Lithium-Ion Battery

* Drop-In Charger with Dataport

* Swivel Belt Clip

* 3 Year Water Protection Warranty - The MYSTIC establishes a high level of quality and performance in marine radios. Our warranty covers all manufactured parts and service, even water intrusion.

* Magellan MapSend CD Included
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Old 31 May 2007, 21:01   #5
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Originally Posted by ALANT View Post
Thanks but not quite what I had in mind. What I would like is a vhf/dsc with a built in gps so you don't need to link it up to get a gps signal. No plotter or fancy crap only a stand alone unit that gives position in the event of a distress message being sent.
It's a wonder nobody does what you mean. No need for a silly display or anything else. Would add about £10 to the cost of a radio. Ideal for a hand held!!!
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Old 31 May 2007, 21:12   #6
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
It's a wonder nobody does what you mean. No need for a silly display or anything else. Would add about £10 to the cost of a radio. Ideal for a hand held!!!
I may be at the wrong end of the stick but DSC handhelds used to be available but aren't anymore (possibly only in the EU?). This was because if you hit the red button the MMSI broadcast was that of the parent vessel- the rescue services would be looking for the parent vessel rather than a dinghy or a man in the water etc.

Jimbo or Jon Brooks should be able to correct me if I'm wrong here?
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Old 01 June 2007, 06:42   #7
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The reason that the Simrad DSC hand held was removed was not for the reasons mentioned, sorry .

The units were actually given their own batch of MMSI numbers so they could be seen as hand helds if they sent a distress.

They were withdrawn as it was felt that they were not a full DSC unit and could not do the same as a fixed unit. with this in mind it was felt they did not meet type approval. The other downside was that the GPS info was only correct if the unit was in its charging shoe, onced removed the info would be out of date very quickly.

Like the Uniden the SH combination will not get through the CE marking part of type approval.
This is not to say that companies are not lookking to produce units that will.
It is far easier to get a radio approved for the US market compared to the EU market.

Codders, £10 is a bit low. not only do you have to consider the input of the device but also ensuring that the GPS engine does not effect the rest of the electronics. GPS engines make a lot of noise, electrical noise, so can be hard to fit inside a unit.
Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 01 June 2007, 08:13   #8
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I stand corrected-thanks Jon
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Old 01 June 2007, 09:51   #9
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Can't be difficult though - most commercial EPIRBS can already broadcast their own position...
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Old 01 June 2007, 10:31   #10
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As a suggestion for Alan's original question, some of the packaged GPS antennae should do the job (eg Holux etc). Around £50-80 and they pass NMEA, so you can connect to VHF unit in the same way as your GPS. Just make sure it's serial rather than USB output.

Having said that, you can probably pick up a cheap discontinued model handheld GPS for not much more and get a lot more functionality.

Codders - if you look at the premium of GPS vs non-GPS EPIRBs/PLBs, that's the sort of extra you'd be paying for a GPS equipped radio.
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Old 01 June 2007, 12:14   #11
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With the cost of modern electronics I still feel that it will probably cost the makers about £10 to build it into the unit.

The baseband chips can now be bought for about $5(£2.50) - they are already starting to appear in MP3 players so you know how far you have been jogging!!!

Obviously there are shielding issues etc but it would add very little to the price of a radio. It seem the makers think they need to add a fancy screen and mapping software which isn't needed.
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Old 01 June 2007, 14:36   #12
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Whilst I agree mapping is not required screening is very important otherwise the unit will not get through emmisions testing again this is why these products appear in the US and not here.

The good old US of A are not as concerned as us in the EU if the electronics sends out all kinds of rubbish

The suggestion I have fed back is a full class D DSC unit with a remote mic with the GPS in the mic.
This kind of unit is already available for some land base applications so watch this space
Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 05 June 2007, 19:13   #13
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Just an observation but......Garmin do them for aircraft & have been for several years - wont be long before they make them for boats ( probably include sounder in same unit if smart).
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