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Old 03 December 2004, 04:49   #1
Country: USA
Town: San Diego.California
Boat name: Bayshots
Make: XS-550
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 877
VHF licensing GB v USA

Just completed my Coast guard aux boating safety course and was surprised at the VHF licensing laws over here.
The main fact being, you dont need any license!
When I enquired as to why and didn't that cause abuse of the system the main answer was safety.
They want as many people as possible out there with radios on their boats and listening to them.
They believe the advantages of this far outweigh the drawbacks.
That together with very stiff fines for radio "abuse" and emergency call out false alarms.
Strange though, as soon as you cross into Mexican waters they do require a license.Actually 2 . I for the set and one to use it. So is it a also a question of gaining revenue in the UK ?
Dont know how it works over there but would be interested to get a differant opinion,
cheers Dal
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Old 03 December 2004, 09:22   #2
Country: UK - England
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Situation is just ever so slightly more complicated than you've been led to believe, details here at FCC website

To sum up because US Pleasure Craft rarely venture outside of US TWaters there is a vessel classification of " Domestic Vessel" same situation for Aircraft. New zealand and Australia have a similar set-up.

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Old 04 December 2004, 05:34   #3
Country: USA
Town: San Diego.California
Boat name: Bayshots
Make: XS-550
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF90
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 877
thanks for putting it in a "nutshell". Makes a lot of sense.
cheers dal
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