09 April 2012, 20:41
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Posts: 84
vhf radio
hi all, i am in need of a vhf radio and antenna, or a handheld would get me by for now,any old set would do as long as it is in a good working order,dont need the dsc thing but waterproof would be good, thanks, ste
10 April 2012, 06:05
Country: USA
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The DSC thing, is the whole reason I just upgraded from a handheld to a fixed mount. DSC signals can be transmitted/relayed from one radio to the next, so maybe not for you, but for another boater? Just something to think about.
10 April 2012, 10:53
Country: UK - Scotland
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Might be worth posting this in the "bits & peices" section with a "wanted" tag.
People are upgrading all the time.
10 April 2012, 13:16
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Peter_C
DSC signals can be transmitted/relayed from one radio to the next, .
Really well thats new !!
10 April 2012, 15:32
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by ashbypower
Really well thats new !!
I assume Peter C means the ability to text other boats / groups using the DSC function? My Icom 505 has this function .
10 April 2012, 15:57
Country: UK - England
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Its not really text is it ? DSC is just an alerting function, granted with the Distress you can send a pre set text to cover the type of emergency, although even this is very limited...
10 April 2012, 16:27
Country: USA
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Watch this Coast Guard video starting at the 7 minute mark, until the end. The guy talking is USCG. Better yet watch the whole video. BTW Rescue 21 is now in place here in California  It appears only the higher end radios relay, but the info is hard to find. Some info here. http://continuouswave.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/007963.html
10 April 2012, 17:34
Country: UK - England
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Make: XS 600
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So your advocating HF on a rib !!! along with a very very top end (= Expensive) VHF Mmm
10 April 2012, 20:41
Country: UK - Scotland
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class A VHF - 5 day course to use
class D - 1 day course
Class D is what you find on most leisure boats - in the USA they had a lower version of Class D but this had now be phased out.
Class A is only used by Coastguard and commercial shipping/vessels over a certain weight.
SPRmarine / SPRtraining
RYA Training Courses & Safety Equipment Sales
10 April 2012, 20:50
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Well i am in the process of up grading too ,
just seen this one and it doesent need batterys, doesent float but who cares with 100 foot of string on the end
10 April 2012, 22:05
Country: USA
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 Most sure fire way to stay in contact.
Originally Posted by ashbypower
Really well thats new !!
Originally Posted by ashbypower
So your advocating HF on a rib !!! along with a very very top end (= Expensive) VHF Mmm
Do you only offer criticism, or do you offer advice?
I am sure you are a wealth of information  , but sharing it on a forum is how others learn. Not all of us can come and pay for a class.
Still if a fellow boater is in need of assistance and lets off a DSC signal and we happen to be close, there probably isn't much we can do without receiving the DSC signal, which goes back to everyone owning a DSC equipped radio. You can relay information verbally so there are ways to help fellow boaters and possibly ourselves. Or say screw it and not bother with a radio at all.
10 April 2012, 22:12
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Central Belt of Scotland
Boat name: Puddleduck III
Make: Bombard
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Just remember - if when you make a DSC distress /urgency alert - you should always follow up with a mayday or pan pan or securitie message via VOICE on ch 1 6 - this will tell non-DSC users that you are in distress.
SPRmarine / SPRtraining
RYA Training Courses & Safety Equipment Sales
11 April 2012, 07:57
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by ashbypower
Its not really text is it ? DSC is just an alerting function, granted with the Distress you can send a pre set text to cover the type of emergency, although even this is very limited...
Check this out:
11 April 2012, 08:24
Country: UK - Scotland
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Length: 5m +
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Originally Posted by SPR
Just remember - if when you make a DSC distress /urgency alert - you should always follow up with a mayday or pan pan or securitie message via VOICE on ch 1 6 - this will tell non-DSC users that you are in distress.
One of the reasons I have a chinagraph pencil velcro'ed to my console- to write down the # crew, time, inevitable string of lat / long digits that will likely be given these days as the distressee reads them off the screen of their Etrex.... And inevitably in the opposite format to the plotter (i.e they shout dd.mm.ss.sss and my screen is showing dd.ddddd or vice versa).
I have since put my trusty Garmin 12 into the opposite format to the plotter so I don't need to waste time changing format before hitting the "goto" button.
If you are in the vicinity, a shout like "1/4 mile S of Toward point" as wel las the lat / long can sometimes be more useful......
11 April 2012, 08:32
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Fugly & Rokraider 1
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I have just spoken to Icom Technical and as far as they are concerned with regards to my M505 VHF unit, it does not relay the DSC call to the Coastguard by creating a sort of network of other DSC equipped radios. It will simply receive a DSC call and alert you to the distressed vessels position. It has a guideline range of 1 mile per watt, depending on how high the antenna is, so I could reasonably expect a range of 25 miles with my setup.
I don't know whether this is true of other makes?
You can use the system to communicate with a mates vessel or group using the MMSI numbers via the DSC, which is not a full blown text type message, rather an alert that you want to chat and to go to a selected channel to chat.
I asked them whether the high end sets could do the relay, he didn't think so.
It looks as though the USA are either doing something different or the speaker has got his wires crossed?
11 April 2012, 08:52
Country: UK - England
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Make: XS 600
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Originally Posted by Peter_C
 Most sure fire way to stay in contact.
Do you only offer criticism, or do you offer advice?
Not all of us can come and pay for a class.

My post, were not Critical ... however if asked directly I will offer advice, but I do earn a living in the Marine Business and do not throw advice out willy nilly, that could be financial Suicide, especially in this current financial Climate..If I took, my car to the garage for fault diagnosis, is the mechanic going to say "Nip round to the spares department and then I'll tell you how to do the repair" ?? I think NOT
11 April 2012, 09:56
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Central Belt of Scotland
Boat name: Puddleduck III
Make: Bombard
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Posts: 2,066
Originally Posted by Rokraider
I have just spoken to Icom Technical and as far as they are concerned with regards to my M505 VHF unit, it does not relay the DSC call to the Coastguard by creating a sort of network of other DSC equipped radios. It will simply receive a DSC call and alert you to the distressed vessels position. It has a guideline range of 1 mile per watt, depending on how high the antenna is, so I could reasonably expect a range of 25 miles with my setup.
I don't know whether this is true of other makes?
You can use the system to communicate with a mates vessel or group using the MMSI numbers via the DSC, which is not a full blown text type message, rather an alert that you want to chat and to go to a selected channel to chat.
I asked them whether the high end sets could do the relay, he didn't think so.
It looks as though the USA are either doing something different or the speaker has got his wires crossed?
Class A - DSC Radio I believe, we use class D on our Boats.
These are different features in both sets...all Class D sets regardless of cost have same features...
SPRmarine / SPRtraining
RYA Training Courses & Safety Equipment Sales
11 April 2012, 18:14
Country: USA
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Posts: 2,124
Originally Posted by Rokraider
I asked them whether the high end sets could do the relay, he didn't think so.
It looks as though the USA are either doing something different or the speaker has got his wires crossed?
Class A radio's do relay the data, which are required on ships and other larger vessels. Still a Class D DSC radio has a lot of good safety features for yourself and other boaters. We are lucky in that Rescue 21 covers pretty much everywhere we go boating.
Originally Posted by ashbypower
My post, were not Critical ... however if asked directly I will offer advice, but I do earn a living in the Marine Business and do not throw advice out willy nilly, that could be financial Suicide, especially in this current financial Climate..If I took, my car to the garage for fault diagnosis, is the mechanic going to say "Nip round to the spares department and then I'll tell you how to do the repair" ?? I think NOT
As a Master Auto Tech I have given advice for free many times to people who walk in and ask for advice, and even more so on internet forums. In this case I feel like you could have said something like "I would recommend a DSC radio for safety reasons, and a Class D which is the most common does this for you...", "BTW I offer classes to certify for VHF use" (Assuming you do). I understand working in the industry, but safety should always come before money, and unless you are looking for a sale of a radio...even then you should be pushing a radio with safety built into it like DSC and GPS, which some handhelds offer.
Originally Posted by SPR
Class A - DSC Radio I believe, we use class D on our Boats.
These are different features in both sets...all Class D sets regardless of cost have same features...
SPR has been very helpful throughout this thread
We are all ever learning and fortunately/unfortunately much of what I have learned has come from the internet. The internet has allowed me to learn much more than had I just got a boat and dumped it in the water.
12 April 2012, 08:58
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Fugly & Rokraider 1
Make: Pac 22 & Porter 6.5
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Posts: 681
Originally Posted by ashbypower
My post, were not Critical ... however if asked directly I will offer advice, but I do earn a living in the Marine Business and do not throw advice out willy nilly, that could be financial Suicide, especially in this current financial Climate..If I took, my car to the garage for fault diagnosis, is the mechanic going to say "Nip round to the spares department and then I'll tell you how to do the repair" ?? I think NOT
I have my own 4x4 business thats been running since 1989. I work on the principle that a happy customer will always come back and spread the word. Sometimes, the customer is capable of fitting some of the products themselves and possibly can't afford to pay me to fit them. I have no problem selling him the product with some advice on how to install it. Next time they want something else, they will be back.
12 April 2012, 19:09
Country: UK - England
Town: leeds
Boat name: nichola
Length: 5m +
Engine: 60hp yamaha
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 84
well i did think any old one would do! but having read through i can understand their is a lot more to it, as a novice a lot of it is gobbledigook,when i said to get me by, i meant till maybe learn on for this year then upgrade for next year, my plotter has a built in antenna and doesnt do the nmea thing, as it will mean courses and new equipment that will have to wait till next year, i would like to enjoy and learn what i have this year as a novice it will be all inshore and in good conditions so i hope it will not be needed,but on the other hand i can see the need as it may well be another boat in distress , and i may be the nearest
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