View Poll Results: Do you (or would you if buying a new radio) have DSC?
Yes I do (would) have DSC 14 73.68%
No - I can't see any point in DSC - yet 5 26.32%
Voters: 19. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11 May 2002, 23:13   #1
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VHF Radio Channels

Cath and I have today done our GMDSS/DSC/VHF Radio course......

One of the things we were discussing at Cardiff and Anglesea was a "working channel" to use between RIBS so that we didn't keep disturbing everyone on Ch 16.

I'll try and give a brief overview of channel useage

Distress, Calling and Safety (Single frequency)
Ch70 (DSC Only - no voice)
Ch13 - Bridge to Bridge saety communications - Large vessels are obliged to monitor this channel in congested waters (The English Channel is considered to be congested waters)

Intership (Single frequency)
Ch 06, 08, 72 ,77 (Prefered)
Ch 09 (Tugs and Pilots)

UK Small Craft Safety (Coastguard) (Single frequency)
Ch 67 - Routine traffic
Ch 69, 73 - Search and Rescue
Ch 10 - Weather

Ship to Shore & Port Operations (two frequency)
Ch 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88

Port Operations (two frequency)
Ch 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 79

Port Operations (Single frequency)
Ch 68, 71, 74
Ch 11, 12, 14 (Harbour Authorities

Marina & Yacht clubs
Ch M, P, 36, 80

Note - When listening to a two frequency conversation you will only hear the shore based station - so these Channels cannot be used Ship to Ship. (The shore based station has a special radio)

So.... The only channels that we should be using for RIB to RIB are the "Intership Channels" Ch 06, 08, 72, 77

Now... If we all had DSC radios we could use the "Group call" function - but how many of us have DSC?
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Old 12 May 2002, 06:22   #2
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Sorry but I think that the question is confusing. Take me for example I don't have dsc, because my portable vhs doesn't have it. But, I can see that it would be useful and would buy a dsc radio sometime in the future when I need to replace my current radio.

I'm not clear as to what information you want from your poll as each question contains a sub-question. So where does my poll vote go as my answer would be NO I DON'T, but it's not because I don't see the point of it. Therefore the NO answer doesn't apply!

You really need to ask three questions and many people would give two answers. Or do two polls. One to see how many ribsters/sibsters have DSC and one to see who is/is not in favour of the new system. Unfortunately the poll system only allows one vote per poll.

Well, off to load 'Quicksilver' into the back of the car now. Nice sunny morning and the river beckons

Keith (tales of the riverbank) Hart
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Old 12 May 2002, 09:42   #3
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When we are cruising we use Channel 69 - which says on my VHF it is a 'Pleasure' Channel - enough said.

Guess the main problem with having a private channel to call on is that you have to monitor that channel - and anyone new woulnt know it - but you would still be monitoring 16 anyway.

Personally I am in favou of having a 'working channel', but still using 16 to call up on - to avoid any confusion.

Carpe pm
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Old 12 May 2002, 22:32   #4
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Sorry if my question confused you Keith

What I was realy after is "Would you buy a DSC radio for your RIB?"

Some people may already have one fitted. Some may have a standard VHF which they are quite happy with - but if it broke and they had to get a new one - would they get one with DSC.

Is that any clearer

From your post I think your vote should have been - Yes I would get DSC if upgrading my radio.

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