Cath and I have today done our GMDSS/DSC/VHF Radio course......
One of the things we were discussing at Cardiff and Anglesea was a "working channel" to use between RIBS so that we didn't keep disturbing everyone on Ch 16.
I'll try and give a brief

overview of channel useage
Distress, Calling and Safety (Single frequency)
Ch70 (DSC Only - no voice)
Ch13 - Bridge to Bridge saety communications - Large vessels are obliged to monitor this channel in congested waters (The English Channel is considered to be congested waters)
Intership (Single frequency)
Ch 06, 08, 72 ,77 (Prefered)
Ch 09 (Tugs and Pilots)
UK Small Craft Safety (Coastguard) (Single frequency)
Ch 67 - Routine traffic
Ch 69, 73 - Search and Rescue
Ch 10 - Weather
Ship to Shore & Port Operations (two frequency)
Ch 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88
Port Operations (two frequency)
Ch 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 79
Port Operations (Single frequency)
Ch 68, 71, 74
Ch 11, 12, 14 (Harbour Authorities
Marina & Yacht clubs
Ch M, P, 36, 80
Note - When listening to a two frequency conversation you will only hear the shore based station - so these Channels cannot be used Ship to Ship. (The shore based station has a special radio)
So.... The only channels that we should be using for RIB to RIB are the "Intership Channels" Ch 06, 08, 72, 77
Now... If we all had DSC radios we could use the "Group call" function - but how many of us have DSC?