Originally Posted by Brinormeg
Can you carry a VHS/ DSC/GPS hand held radio to only be used in an emergency, and not to chat with your mates  without sitting the ship radio test. As long as you register with ofcom to get your mmsi number?
Also with the end of of the CG66 does SafeTrx require you to have done te test to register with that?
I know the following is more than you are asking and that you are probably aware of most of it, so I apologise if the answer appears in any way patronising.
However, for the sake of complete clarification
for others who might be reading this, these are the two licenses you technically should have...
(Note that I am new to SIBs, but I have gone through the VHF components in the last 8 weeks, so this should be up to date)
It is a legal requirement that you must register the VHF radio with Ofcom, even if you never intended to transmit (after all, if stopped by someone from Ofcom, how do you prove you never intended to transmit).
Registration online is free and fairly simple, once you work out where/how to do it.
To do this, go to
https://ofcom.force.com/LicensingComLogin and create an account, then "apply for new license", "ship radio", "ship portable radio license".
This license will state your "Call sign/T-number" and your MMSI number.
A few points to note:
- it won't ask if your radio has DSC... it will just give you an MMSI number regardless.
- this same license can optionally also have a number of additional devices associated/added to it - eg. PLB, EPIRB, EPIRB AIS, MOB - AIS, MOB - DSC etc.
More information about this license can be found here...
And for the sake of completeness, the reason to have this license is detailed here...
Note that failure to hold this license means Ofcom could "impose on-the-spot fines. The maximum penalty on conviction is a £5,000 fine and/or a six month prison sentence. Those convicted may also be ordered to forfeit any radio apparatus used illegally."
Also note that you are required to print the Licence Document out, and keep it "with or near to the radio equipment at all times, where it is physically practicable to do so".
Short Range Certificate
This is issued by the RYA, using a system that means you are guaranteed to pay for both the course (approx £50 and completed online) and for the exam itself (£60 - taken at a test centre).
Note that you cannot take the SRC exam without showing the certificate* that you printed out from your individual course. This certificate shows that you completed the course to a competent standard, but it also proves/forces you to buy the course.
(*there are a couple of other options - see
In theory it would be illegal to transmit on a VHF radio without the SRC certificate, or under the direction of someone with an SRC certificate.
Having said that, you frequently hear people say "the Coastguard won't chastise you too much if you had to use the radio in a true emergency" so I understand where your question is coming from. If you do the SRC course, you will actually learn quite a lot of interesting stuff, including titbits such as the fact that a VHF radio should never be used on land.
Maybe the question to ask is "Has anyone without an SRC license ever had to use a VHF radio, and if so, did you get any kind comeback or criticism from the Coastguard?"
As for your second question about CG66, I haven't a clue