Firstly hello too all. I must say this site is a wealth of information and very interesting to browse.
Suppose you have heard the VHF question numerous time, so sorry if its repetitive drool.
I have a Shetland Alaska 500 used purely for sea fishing, the present VHF radio on the boat is many years old, still functions fine, but it's time I invested in a new radio.
I have a Garmin chartplotter 232 ... basically I would like to link this chartplotter to a DSC radio and use the functions available with this set up. I'm on a budget "argh" and understand that I'm going to be limited to what is available to me.
I have been looking around at what's on offer and if possible would greatly appreciate some advise as too what would be best for me, DSC VHF radio wise ... I stumbled across this website and noticed some budget radio's ...
I was considering one of these radio's ....
Standard Horizon 1500E DSC Fixed VHF
£114.99 IN STOCK
Price: £114.99
Icom IC-M411 DSC/VHF Transceiver
Price: £119.99
M-TECH MT500 Class D DSC Marine VHF
Price: £105.99
Nexus NX 2000 Marine DSC VHF
I would like the benefit of text messaging to other boats and the safety aspects by linking it into the Garmin 232 chartplotter, any help much appreciated indeed .... cheers