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Old 20 May 2004, 22:31   #1
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Views on GPS/MAP

Hi all
would like to ask for your views on a garmin 176c gps/map
i am in the market for one but looking at different suppliers their is varying conflict for what you get in the box.Also has anyone used or got one what do you think of them?
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Old 20 May 2004, 23:17   #2
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Rene, JCW and Andre on the forum have or had a 176C. I just ran a search on it and there are a couple of threads relating directly to this model. General consensus seems to be that the screen is a bit too small and somewhat difficult to read in bright sunlight. Rene recommends going for the larger Garmin 182C!
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Old 21 May 2004, 05:36   #3
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Mine seems to work well,although the screen can be a bit difficult to see on a bright day if the sun ISNT shining on it.Can also get glare from the screen if the angles wrong(sunlight reflection) but overall I am pleased with it,if you have the money and the space,the bigger the screen is,the better.
One advantage for the 176c is that I have uk maps on CD which can be uploaded to it which is fun in the car.
Th only major problem I have with it is that the power lead vibrates out as soon as it gets rough-Garmin suggested blue tack!!!Anyone else get this problem and have solved it?
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Old 21 May 2004, 09:12   #4
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I have just gone through this process and my initial thoughts were Garmin – having been a Garmin man for the last 8 years.

The 176c was my first choice however discovered they are bringing out the 276c which is an upgrade with 256 Colour TFT display , more adjustability of the back light, rechargeable battery pack and USB interface. However none of the dealers could get a delivery date from Garmin . Cheapest Pre order was £512.95

I eventually went for a Garmin 182c equivalent from Lowrance - the Globalmap 3300c. Did a search on the forum and apart from one bad report most people seem happy with Lowrance Kit.

Got mine from :

They are doing a deal for Plotters and charts and I paid £550 (ish.) including Navonics Gold XL3 chart. And next day delivery.
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Old 21 May 2004, 09:28   #5
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Oh - Forgot to mention - the Lowrance has an external antenna included in kit - Don't know if this would be an issue for you ?
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Old 21 May 2004, 18:45   #6
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Just going through the same decision process myself. Can't decide on the Garmin 182c or the 172c. Emailed Garmin to find out the difference, and except for the number of track points being greater on the 172, the only other improvement on the 172 (why should a newer model have a lower number?) is improved viewing in sunlight, yet the screen is smaller.

However, just to add to confusion the new Navman 6600 sounds pretty good. Just a shame it's not out yet (August apparently). The best bit as far as I can see is a fuel meter option. Would be nice to know fuel economy and distance left in the tank.
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Old 24 May 2004, 09:56   #7
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Hi Barry

I really like the 176C, but as I have stated before I do belive the screen is a bit too small, The display is very difficult to read (I need new glasses). But if you would like the 176C we can make a deal on mine, I have just bought the 182C.


Originally Posted by Barry Montague
Hi all
would like to ask for your views on a garmin 176c gps/map
i am in the market for one but looking at different suppliers their is varying conflict for what you get in the box.Also has anyone used or got one what do you think of them?
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Old 24 May 2004, 11:35   #8
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Hi Barry!
I've used the 176C and the upsides were
1)Ability to remove and take it with you leaving the RIB for security purposes,
2)No antenna cables running from front to back of boat and other advantages mentioned like being able to upload maps and the chartplotter function etc.

Downsides were
1) Screen not the easiest to see once the backlight went out and as Philip mentioned, limited adjustability of the backlight.

I now have the 276C which is even better!
1) Battery pack supplied so if you don't want to hardwire it you still don't have to replenish it with new batteries.

2) Backlight functions are much more user friendly with a night/day function where the screen changes colour for easier reading. The screen is actuallly easier to read even than the 176C without the backlight function on.

3)Can be used in the car and has a voice command function (not included)to tell you where to go... (My last navigator did this as well, but the directions were always the shortest route to hell )

The issue of size hasn't been a problem for me as the data size can be changed to extra large font for easy reading (If necessary)and the zoom function on the map is ample for me to follow close up even when moving.

From an availability standpoint, I don't know when they are available, but if you give Garmin a call, I'm sure they'll have a good idea.

In a nutshell, I'm very happy with it!

Hope that helps!!
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Old 24 May 2004, 19:25   #9
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Hi Rene

How do you find the 182c versus the 172c. I'm in the market and can't make my mind up as to which to go for. As I understand it, the 172c is better in sunlight but has a smaller screen.
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Old 24 May 2004, 19:43   #10
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I have the Garmin GPS76Map and.........

will say only one thing,

Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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Old 25 May 2004, 09:52   #11
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Sorry Erin

I have just edited my post, I mixed up on the numbers. I have the 176C and the 182C.

They are both great, but I like the bigger screen on the 182C, I don't have any problems reading the display in the sunlight, I just turn up the backlight.


Originally Posted by Erin
Hi Rene

How do you find the 182c versus the 172c. I'm in the market and can't make my mind up as to which to go for. As I understand it, the 172c is better in sunlight but has a smaller screen.
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Old 25 May 2004, 13:39   #12
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Very pleased with my 182C - can't wait until egnos(waas) is working though!
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Old 25 May 2004, 20:13   #13
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I was out at the weekend and think egnos might have been working. I recently deduced that satelites 33 and 44 must be egnos as they dissapear from the satelite page if I disable WAAS on my GPSMap 76. I had sat 33 showing up as locked on (although grey not black which I presume means it isn't actually receiving position data from it) and average error was showing as low as 10 or 11 feet. I also had little 'D' symbols on most of the other satelites bars which means I am receiving differential. I'm not sure if differential and egnos is the same, but it certainly seemed pretty accurate.

Has anyone else experienced this?
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Old 25 May 2004, 21:42   #14
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I think you could have been receiving a test signal. It was discussed on here quite recently. I don't think WAAS or the European equivalent EGNOS is operational as of yet. Don't want to hijack the thread, back to the first discussion.
Steve G
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