02 July 2021, 20:40
Country: UK - Wales
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Voltage output from Suzuki stator
Hi all,
Can anyone tell me what AC voltage output to expect from a 2 phase stator on a 1997 DT90 at idle and at 3000 rpm?
06 July 2021, 11:56
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Stick a multimeter across it., or have a look in the manual. I doubt it's over 36v open circuit. The Suzuki Outboard Forum might be able to help if you can't check it.
This might be worth a go at this price though...
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06 July 2021, 19:43
Country: UK - Wales
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Can’t find anything in the manual relating to stator output voltage.
I only got 15v at 3000 revs.
The resistance across the stator coils is the same on both coils and ties in with Suzuki manual.
I bought one the RRs in the link you sent me- it was a complete waste of time and money, the wires got too hot too touch within a few seconds of starting the engine and blew the 25amp fuse.
They won’t give me my money back either.
06 July 2021, 23:31
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Ajay
Can’t find anything in the manual relating to stator output voltage.
I only got 15v at 3000 revs.
The resistance across the stator coils is the same on both coils and ties in with Suzuki manual.
I bought one the RRs in the link you sent me- it was a complete waste of time and money, the wires got too hot too touch within a few seconds of starting the engine and blew the 25amp fuse.
They won’t give me my money back either.
Damn, that's annoying.
Daft question but you do have the multimeter set to AC?
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07 July 2021, 07:55
Country: UK - Wales
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No such thing as a daft question, they often unlock the answer.
yes 15 v ac.
09 July 2021, 22:18
RIBnet admin team
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15v AC sounds like your stator might be fried. To put it into context, a Honda CB250N has an open circuit voltage of about 27vac from the alternator to charge a much smaller battery than you'd use on a boat.
I suspect you need to ask an engineer with a genuine suzuki workshop manual, or if you're lucky the Suzuki Outboard Forum.
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09 July 2021, 22:38
Country: UK - Wales
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I have a feeling you might well be right.
Thank you for giving it some thought and responding Richard
10 July 2021, 14:51
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Ajay
I have a feeling you might well be right.
Thank you for giving it some thought and responding Richard
Thinking about it again, your stator is fried. Diodes typically drop 1.2v, so the maximum you're going to get out of that is going to be 13.8v with just a rectifier. The regulator circuit will drop it more (diodes again) so you'll never achieve a full charge.
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11 July 2021, 15:51
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Swansea
Boat name: Ajay
Make: Humber
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DT 90
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 9
It was encouraging to find the resistance readings across both charger coils were identical and were within the tolerance stated in the workshop manual.
Things are not looking so good for the stator now.
Any idea where I could get hold of new/ used one?
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