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Old 01 July 2009, 15:32   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
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Waypoint manager backward compatibility

Ok, in summary, my handheld GPS is a 1992 Garmin 12. Those of you with it or one or one of its sucessors will know how much of a pain it is to add a load of waypoints.

I hada look at the Garmin waypoint manager, but needless to say as my receiver is so old, it isn't on the list of compaltible machines, as it only lists the current & immediately old units it talks to...... whether this is down to the Garmin sales policy or electrical incompatibility I don't know.

The simple question - anyone know if it will talk to a GPS12? If not, is there a waypoint manager that will? Ideally I just want a backup that I don't need to spend another week wearing out the up / down buttons while typing in 50 odd emergency use waypoints!

And to pre-empt the inevitable "why don't you get a new receiver" questions, it takes a bucket of AA's and will last the best part of 24 hrs on it's own power, and I find it more ergonomic than a '72 to hold if out on the hills
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Old 03 July 2009, 08:57   #2
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If you have a data cable for it could you use something like GPSBabel?

GPSBabel Dowload page

You can then store your waypoints in 2 formats Garmins, or as an MS excel list as a back up.
New boat is here, very happy!
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Old 08 July 2009, 08:51   #3
Country: UK - Scotland
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Thanks for the reply, I found a freeware thing called EasyGPS, which appears to be a cut down version of a commercial product they will sell you, however it seems to talk to pretty much any GPS ever made going by the list in the setup menu. It deals with basic waypoint entry / editing & route creation, talks serial or USB out the PC and is free!


It's been got, and my waypoints are now backed up!
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Old 10 July 2009, 09:54   #4
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Originally Posted by 9D280 View Post

Thanks for the reply, I found a freeware thing called EasyGPS, which appears to be a cut down version of a commercial product they will sell you, however it seems to talk to pretty much any GPS ever made going by the list in the setup menu. It deals with basic waypoint entry / editing & route creation, talks serial or USB out the PC and is free!


It's been got, and my waypoints are now backed up!
I'd forgot about EasyGPS - sorry, have used it myself not to bad.
New boat is here, very happy!
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