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Old 29 July 2015, 14:43   #1
Country: UK - England
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Which nav lights for 4.5m rib?

Hi all,

I'm new to this site so apologies if this is something that comes up over and over again (I've had a search but couldn't find a definitive answer...) - I'm trying to establish what the law states I must have on my 4.5m Narwhal rib in terms of nav lights. I won't be doing lots of night-time trips but want to be able to cross the Solent in low light (and at speed!)

I'm keen to explore the portable LED avenue as the boat is too small for port/starboard lights on the console and it has no A-frame so if anyone has any tips on which ones are good that'd be great too.

Any help much appreciated.

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Old 29 July 2015, 17:21   #2
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You should have port/starboard light visible from the front and round beyond dead abeam. You should have an all round white light where possible mounted 1m above the side lights. All should be visible at 2 miles. If you are planning the solent in poor light at speed I'd look at a decent radar reflector too!

I've never seen a rib with a console that couldn't take red and green lights somehow, admittedly cables ropes etc may obscure them at some angles. I have an all round white that is on a removable pole so it's not in the way on day light. The pole was standard length but would be better 20cm longer.

If I was buying today I would be speccing LEDs.

Personally I wouldn't use portable lights except if caught out. I think if you need lights and don't know the rules you will also really need to slow down to understand what is in front of you.
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Old 29 July 2015, 17:26   #3
Country: UK - England
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You need a port, starboard plus an all round white. First challenge is the all round should be 1m above the P&S. With no A-frame that means putting it on a pole (can be removable) on the console or transom.

Something like this? Stainless Steel All Round Navigation Light (White) Boat Chandlery / Boat/Yacht | eBay Maybe with a longer pole?

The P&S - why can't they go on the console? They are far from ideal there but would be legal. You can get some nice little recessed ones that go on the sides of the console...
Marine Side Navigation Light Port & Starboard (WHITE) Boat / Yacht | eBay

There are temporary options available, but they may not actually comply with the law for visibility etc. Crawling home at 3 knots in a SIB you might be fine. Doing 30kts WOT - you may come foul of a harbour master... Clip on boat light navigation LED marine battery powered sail canoe kayak dingy | eBay

If it really can't go on the console... Boat Navigation light stainless steel tree of port starboard & all round white | eBay But I'd want my white higher up as it will bleach out the colour.

[small]Sexier models are available. As in the rest of life sexier models cost more.[/small]
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