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Old 17 December 2008, 20:19   #1
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Yamaha 90 trim and tilt wiring

anybody help on this one,(yam 90 2 stroke) T and T Gauge not connecting/working

bought new trim and tilt Gauge, wiring as follows, there is a block connector with
also two separate wires

where do these go and what colour do they connect to???

From The 703 Box joined in pairs

2x Light Green (earth)
2x Light Purple
2x Red (positive)

i cannot get any other reading out of these wires e;g for the trim and tilt Unit, there is no continuity

on the engine side in the cowling, small block connector with

Green and red goes to a pink
Green goes to a grey which is blanked
black goes into block and is blanked

have tested the Trim and tilt sender unit and is working well

basically which colour wires attach to which???, does the engine side block connector colour change sound correct??
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Old 17 December 2008, 20:29   #2
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Originally Posted by matt h View Post
anybody help on this one,(yam 90 2 stroke) T and T Gauge not connecting/working

bought new trim and tilt Gauge, wiring as follows, there is a block connector with
also two separate wires

where do these go and what colour do they connect to???

From The 703 Box joined in pairs

2x Light Green (earth)
2x Light Purple
2x Red (positive)

i cannot get any other reading out of these wires e;g for the trim and tilt Unit, there is no continuity

on the engine side in the cowling, small block connector with

Green and red goes to a pink
Green goes to a grey which is blanked
black goes into block and is blanked

have tested the Trim and tilt sender unit and is working well

basically which colour wires attach to which???, does the engine side block connector colour change sound correct??
Give me a ring,I've got the wiring diagramme in front of me
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