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Old 29 May 2014, 20:55   #1
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Yamaha F150 to Garmin 4008 connection

I've finally got a replacement Yamaha 150hp and already have a Garmin 4008 installed.

Can anyone help with advice on how to get the data from the Yam into the Garmin unit?

I'm guessing it's just a matter of the getting the correct wire connected to the right place?
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Old 30 May 2014, 10:19   #2
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Im presuming you want to show engine data on your garmin MFD unit.

Step 1 - consult both your garmin manual and the yamaha manual and determin what type of connection can be used for the two. It may be NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 or other type. I expect if its a new engine and a new garmin then NMEA 2000 if not probably NMEA 0183.

Step 2 - locate which wires from each need connecting

Step 3 - Think of a way of connecting, small amp power blocks, small amp connectors, solder or crimp connections etc, heat shrink stuff etc etc.

Tip - put in temporary connections first and draw and write out those connections, test and modify if needed before final connections made.

Remember in goes to out and out goes to in - you will know what I mean if you read up on NMEA data connections.

Also check what ports are available on your Garmin MFD and what the data transport speed should be as this may be configuarable.

If you allready have a lot of NMEA connections into your Garmin MFD then you may need an additional device as you may not have any free ports available. You can get NMEA buffers which basicllay take all the inputs and then send in one stream to the MFD.

MFD = Multi functional device

NMEA - A data communications standard 0183 or 2000

Top tip, read the manuals then read them again and use pen and paper and write down what you need, which connections, test and recheck.
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Old 05 June 2014, 08:24   #3
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Hopefully the engine is post ~09 and you can just put together an nmea 2000 network which is just plug and play. Do you already have a command link network? It looks on Google as if that makes a difference to which cable you need to be able to connect it to nmea2k
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Old 05 June 2014, 09:31   #4
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Yes it's already got a NMEA 2000 network, just trying to work out what to buy or plug in and where.
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Old 05 June 2014, 09:41   #5
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Ok that is all kinds of wrong... Our first boat was wired like that too.... I'll get back to you in half an hour with the bits you need, but that is a starting point at least, it should just be a single cable to the engine by the looks of things. Off to the dentist first.... :O
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Old 05 June 2014, 12:44   #6
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Right ok...

Now obviously I don't know the specific set up in your boat but the whole idea of NMEA2000 is that it makes everything very simple. Much simpler than what Boris described.

From looking at your pictures it would appear that you have a basic NMEA2000 network set up however unfortunately the person who put it together didn't understand the diagram in the book! The idea is that you have a line of the "t" connectors together with cables going off to each device. Read this really good article for more info, but I will summarise below. Or watch this video

I will take a guess that all your network is currently doing is giving the 4008 GPS information. You have three wires coming in, one to the GPS puck, one to the 4008, and one (the yellow one) straight to the battery in order to power the network. To begin with all that you need to do is unscrew the bolt that is holding the bottom "t" in place, and remove one of the terminator plugs in it. Then reattach it to the one above, in the same orientation as the others already are. now take the black wire from the top and plug it into the free port on the side of the "t" that you have just move, before putting the spare terminator plug that you have in your hand on the top of the chain.

Now, I am no expert on Yamaha however I think that all you need is one cable that will go between your "Command Link hub" and the NMEA2000 network. If you have a look in the picture below I have highlighted in red this hub. All we have to do is work out whether you have Yamaha's "Command Link" or "Command Link Plus" gauge system. If it is the former then is a tenner on ebay and a bit of soldering I think, if it's the latter than it's a £250 cable plus shipping.

I found this document on my travels around the internet which essentially explains things however it is perhaps a little complex.

Hopefully what I've said above makes sense. If you get a pic of the gauges on the dash then perhaps we can work out which system you have? Whatever you do on the engine front, I would suggest that you perform the modification I suggested at the beginning to the existing network. I attach below also a diagram of the NMEA2000 network on my boat, showing how easy it is to add things into the daisy chain (I have since added other equipment since I made the image, just by plugging in.)
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Old 05 June 2014, 21:11   #7
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Thanks for the brilliant advice, I really appreciate it.

I guess there isn't a specific lead to go from the Yamaha hub to the Garmin network?

So would I need a Garmin T connector and a Garmin "drop cable" ?
Looking at eBay, something like 351068926958?

I think I have normal Command Link gauges, not the plus ones.
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Old 05 June 2014, 22:17   #8
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Originally Posted by BrAinZ View Post
Thanks for the brilliant advice, I really appreciate it.

I guess there isn't a specific lead to go from the Yamaha hub to the Garmin network?

So would I need a Garmin T connector and a Garmin "drop cable" ?
Looking at eBay, something like 351068926958?

I think I have normal Command Link gauges, not the plus ones.
Yes, it looks as if you do have the normal command link. I think that the plus ones have a full LCD colour display.

In order to modify the existing network to be "correct" you don't need any bits.

From what I have read the standard Command Link network works using NMEA 2000 protocols (ie it talks in that language). So all you need to do to make the two networks talk to each other is to physically connect them together.

At first I wrote this post agreeing with you that you would need another "t" connector, then I realised you wouldn't, then I thought you would, and finally I decided that you wouldn't! I will explain why below, it means that my last post is actually slightly wrong. All you need to do is get a drop cable like you say and hack it up following the guide here: El-cheapo Yamaha command link to Garmin NMEA 2000 cable works - The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum

I actually have one of those 6ft drop cables I was about to put on ebay right now, you're welcome to it for £12 inc postage (99p saving off that link)

The link above seems fairly self explanatory, and it will be easier for you as you are using genuine cable. Having looked at the link in detail, as I mentioned above, it actually makes my last post somewhat incorrect.

To put it simply: the way that we are connecting the networks is such that the existing networks are being joined...we aren't just adding the engine to the NMEA2000 network. As a result there is no need for another "t" since the command link hub is just becoming part of the daisy chain of connectors. So, assuming that you have set up the existing NMEA2000 network on the boat like I have suggested, all you need to do is remove one of the terminators from either the top or bottom of the daisy chain and plug your new cable into there. In making the new cable you will have by necessity removed one of the terminators from the command link hub, so you can see that there are two terminators remaining...one on the hub, and one on the "t" connector line. It is obviously important that you only connect the two wires (pins 4&5) and not 2 or 3, because that would end up with two power supplies to the network which is not good.

I think that explains it...? Basically just follow the explanation in the thread I have linked to, drilling out the command link terminator and wiring Pins 4 and 5 from the Garmin drop cable to the connectors left in the plug by the removal of the terminator.

If this doesn't make sense then please do say! Like I said earlier today, the beauty in this NMEA 2000 stuff is that it is all so simple as it means everything just connects to everything with one wire...but it is far to easy to make things seem too complicated!

Looking again at the picture that I put the red rectangle I am slightly confused why there are wires coming out of all the plugs visible. Could you post a pic of that box direct on if possible?

(Scroll down in the link above to see the pin out diagrams that I refer to)
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Old 06 June 2014, 07:30   #9
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I THINK I understand it now, just need to dive in and get it done

Is the cable you've got new or used? (I'm a bit of a perfectionist )
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Old 06 June 2014, 09:35   #10
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Originally Posted by BrAinZ View Post
I THINK I understand it now, just need to dive in and get it done

Is the cable you've got new or used? (I'm a bit of a perfectionist )
Brand new in its packet. It came with a replacement depth sounder Garmin gave me under warranty a couple of months ago. I'm not thaaat much of a fraud that I would charge you just under the going rate for a new cable for a tatty old one off my boat

I'll probably be down on the South Coast and at some point Cowes in the next couple of weeks so I'd be happy to give you a hand although from your response the hacking together of the wire doesn't seem to phase you too much! One thing I did notice from the thread with the instructions was that he got the polarity the wrong way round at first, I suppose the sensible thing to do would be to hold the wires to the contacts first so you can establish which should go where.

Good Luck
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Old 06 June 2014, 09:41   #11
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Brilliant.. If you want to send me a PM with how you would like to be paid, I will send you the money.

I'm keen to get the cable now and do some tinkering

And would be great to meet up, you've been a great help. Thanks!!
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Old 06 June 2014, 09:44   #12
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Originally Posted by BrAinZ View Post
I'm keen to get the cable now and do some tinkering
Just make sure you drill the holes in the right place!!

PS do you have access to your boat? Could you get that picture of the command link hub possibly?
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Old 19 June 2014, 22:15   #13
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Got it working today, albeit on a temp basis!!

Disconnected the power to the Garmin hub and connected the Yam bus to one end of the Garmin network.

Worked ok, but I still want the GPS to work when the engine is powered down, so will probably leave both networks independently powered and just drop the two data wires from the Yam hub to the Garmin network.

Nice to see the Garmin recognise the new data though

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