Yamaha F150A - Ignition Coil Failure
Hi All
I was unfortunate enough to have one of the ignition coils fail (Yamaha 150 4 stroke) whilst I was out at the weekend.
Fortunately enough we managed to limp the 7miles back to the slip on two cylinders - granted the engine sounded like a bag of spanners, but at least we got there.
Anyway, the coils are easy enough to source and replace (if not the cheapest things in the world), but what I was wondering was:
(1) Has anybody had the same problem with the above engine, ie is this a common fault or was I just unlucky.
(2) Does anybody know when encountering such a failure, whether it is generally part of a cascade failure - ie another electrical sensor / system fails on the engine which then causes the coil to fail (or vise versa)
Many thanks in advance
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