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Old 17 February 2006, 22:06   #1
John Kennett's Avatar
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What is the RIBnet conference?

Q What is the RIBnet conference?

A It's an informal event involving a larger than normal gathering of RIBnet members, for the purpose of drinking beer, telling tall stories and maybe doing a bit of boating. Sometime it happens once a year, sometimes it doesn't happen, it may even happen twice in a year.

Some find the name confusing, possibly mistaking it for a serious and organised event with an agenda and a programme of speakers. It may in fact be well organised, and there may indeed be guest speakers, but these are not pre-requisites. To understand fully, it helps to be familiar with some of the history of this event.

Following a number of small ad hoc RIBnet gatherings, on 31 August 2002 Keith Hart suggested that a mass meeting might be a good idea.

After some discussion, the RIBnet member formerly known as Charles (aka ct01) offered to organise an event in May 2003 which he named the RIBnet conference. With the assistance of Brian, a very successful weekend in Plymouth was enjoyed by a good sized group of ribbers.

Following on from that, Daniel and Aging Youth organised the 2nd Inaugural RIBnet Conference to coincide with RIBEX in 2004. Yes, I know you can't have a second inaugural event. But it's not really a conference either so the name didn't seem to matter very much.

In fact 2004 was a bumper year, because we also had the treasure hunt in September which meets the criteria of a RIBnet conference too!

In 2005 there wasn't an "official" conference, but there was the epic Solent Spin which saw thirty RIBs on the water in March, closely followed by the Littlehampton Cruise weekend in May, which could just as well have been named the 2005 RIBnet conference.

For 2006 it became the RIBnet RIB Raid. Who knows what it might become next!

So don't be put off by the name. Anyone can organise an event, because people are generally pretty good at looking after themselves. All it takes is someone to declare a venue and dates, and see what happens.

It helps if there are launching and mooring facilities, a range of accommodation and a pub, and if local ribbers can help with cruising suggestions, berthing arrangements, accommodation and entertainment so much the better, but that's a bonus not a requirement.

You'll never please everyone, but if the location appeals then people will come and bring their boats with them.

Previous discussions:
RIBNET - mass meeting Aug 02
Inaugural RIBnet Conference Dec 02
2nd Inaugural RIBnet Conference Oct 03
RibNet conference 2006 Dec 05

Other references:
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Old 01 December 2016, 07:46   #2
John Kennett's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
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It's been a while since we had a "conference" but there are now several quite sizeable RIBnet gatherings each year as well as dozens of smaller ones. Here are some of the 2016 highlights:
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