RYA Day Skipper Navigation Theory Evening class, course starts Monday 1st November 6.30 - 9.00 in our classroom at Southampton Dry Stack
By Tec Rec Coaching.
Course fee £285 this includes the RYA Chart pack.
A comprehensive introduction to Navigation for Kayakers, Sailors, Powerboaters, Windsurfers, Fishermen, Divers etc
Topics include:-
The basics of Seamanship
The essentials of coastal navigation and pilotage
Chartwork, electronic gps charts
Position fixing
Plotting a course to steer
Weather forecasting and meteorology
Collision Regulations
Emergency and safety procedures including distress calls, use of flares, etc
A Navigation pack that includes charts and a RYA Day Skipper Navigation Handbook, access to an On Line Plotter, and workbook are provided as part of the course fee, Candidates will need to provide their own navigation plotter and divider, or support materials are available to loan or purchase from us, further details on our web page:-
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