RYA Powerboat Instructors Courses
3 Day RYA Powerboat Instructor Courses now reduced from £355 to £325 per person.
Courses held the first week of every month.
A pre course assessment is now required at a cost of £55 if successful £25 is deducted from the Instructors fee.A 10 % discount is available to clubs and organisations and members of Rib.Net
RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor Courses
RYA PWC Instructor Courses
RLSS UK Inshore Rescue Boat T/A Instructor Courses (must hold in date NBLQ)
BSAC Diver Boat Handling Instructor Courses
BSAC Diver Coxswain Assessor Instructor Courses
Regards Tim Griffin
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor