This course is essential (legally required) for anybody wanting to operate a marine vhf radio on board any vessel. The course covers the use of marine radios including GMDSS, routine, distress, urgency and safety procedures as well as Digital Selective Calling (DSC), Navtex, EPIRBs and SARTs.
Ideal for those new to using vhf radio’s or those with an old vhf licence who wish to use modern radios with DSC capabilities and need to upgrade their qualification.
Although a classroom based course the main part of the course is taught using specially adapted modern vhf radio’s to practice real life situations.
There is a £30 administration fee payable to the RYA at the end of the course to cover the cost of certification.
Course dates – Sunday 19th February, Sunday 9th September
Course cost - £60
For details contact me on 07914 249877 or email