RYA VHF SRC Radio course at Southampton Dry Stack Boatyard by Tec Rec Coaching
Next course Saturday 1st June
Course fee is £59 each.
Only 4 to a course, more quality time on the VHF radios, we are more interested in the quality of the course not the quantity of people attending.
Even If you are the only booking the course will run.
You book and pay on line, if there's time we send you a VHF hand book to read with some home work to complete, or pick it up from us, you attend the course and are assessed at the end of the course (RYA Exam fee applies) - theory and practical.
We also use ICOM and Standard Horizon hand held VHF DSC training radios on the course.
Check the course out here:-
Book and pay on line.
Tec Rec Coaching
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