So its Day 2.
Press and Preview day was yesterday and saw many new product launches across the show. Lots of familiar faces came by and said hello and our new RIB (XS 600) and three keelboats got to work on the "Try A Boat Stand".
Today (first Saturday) is usually one of the liveliest days of the show and we will be offering two killer deals.
For the power-boaters the RYA Powerboat Level 2- £199 if bought this weekend and taken by the end of February. We can provide gift vouchers, keep the date open or you can choose a date now.
Our other boat show deal today (for the raggies) is "Buy a 9 day Dayskipper Combined Shorebased and Sail Practical Course and receive a FREE one day shorebased course". Again choose a date now or take advantage of the boat show deal and choose a date later
For your free one day shorebased course. Choose between
- RYA SRC (VHF Radio)
- RYA First Aid
- MCA STCW'95 Elementary First Aid
- HSE Emergency First Aid at Work
- RYA Sea Survival
- BSAC Outboard
- RYA Diesel
- RYA Radar
- ISAF Offshore Day
- Marine Electrics
- Rigging & Deck Hardware
The Dayskipper Deal can even be combined with our standard buy two places at 5% off, or three at 10% off offer.
If you can't make it to the show then try phoning the office number 02380 231122, which will be re-directing to a mobile one the show stand. Can't promise we will be able to pick up when its busy but we will try.