29 October 2006, 21:27
Country: USA
Town: Chicago
Boat name: Fat Bastard
Make: Hurricane 440,Mark2C
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 50, Nissan 40
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 194
Any Chicago RIB owners out there?
I have a feeling there arn't any on this forum but just in case I am looking for any other Chicago RIB owners. I've seen some awsome Protector part Cabin RIB's in Montrose Harbor any of you guys on here?
30 October 2006, 18:45
Country: Other
Town: Christiansted.V.I.
Boat name: Froggy
Make: Avon SeaRider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Johnson 50
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 312
Damn...ain't that the rig! I could move a family of four onboard that one!
01 November 2006, 15:29
Country: USA
Town: Chicago
Boat name: Fat Bastard
Make: Hurricane 440,Mark2C
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 50, Nissan 40
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 194
they are impressive but I feel like the open standing cockpit is what really makes a RIB thrilling to drive.
03 November 2006, 20:49
Country: Canada
Town: Tobermory, Canada eh
Boat name: Verius
Make: Zodiac Hurricane 590
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha F150
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,366
That's some funky boat Rogan. Is "Protector" the brand or the name?
04 November 2006, 00:15
Country: USA
Town: Chicago
Boat name: Fat Bastard
Make: Hurricane 440,Mark2C
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 50, Nissan 40
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 194
I am not sure Stoo. I think it's the brand because I've seen two others with Protector on the side. They seem to be involved with the sailing out here. Always out during beer can Wednesdays.
Been cruising down the South Chicago River today and yesterday despite the subzero temps. No one out except the Coast Guard mucking around in the waves. Got a pic of the masses and I mean masses of salt the city of Chicago stock piles for our winters. Those three little chimneys on the left of the pile are about 6 stories high. A lot of salt!
04 November 2006, 01:50
Country: Canada
Town: Tobermory, Canada eh
Boat name: Verius
Make: Zodiac Hurricane 590
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha F150
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,366
Originally Posted by Rogan
A lot of salt!
Rogan, I have a plan to breach the under-lake salt mine at Goderich Ontario which I'm certain will eventually result in the Lakes reverting to their former glory days as shallow inland seas. If you could arrange to plow that pile of salt into Lake Michigan, that would help.
(BTW, I have a friend who is the chief electrician at a Lake Huron nuclear power plant. He's working on cranking that puppy up a few notches so that the waste-water heats up our new sea...)
Depending on the temperature we reach, I'll either ask Jimmy Beam to ship us a few orcas and sea lions etc., or if it's too warm for them, I'll ask Thomas to export some little fishes and coral from the Virgins...
I travel to Chicago every few years in the fall. It's a beautiful city, especially near the waterfront. Who says nothing good can come from a big fire!
05 November 2006, 14:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Originally Posted by Stoo
That's some funky boat Rogan. Is "Protector" the brand or the name?
It's the brand. Protector RIBs are built by Rayglass Boats in New Zealand www.protectorribs.com
They seem to major in support boats for major yachting events like the America's Cup, as well as being used by the NZ Coastguard.
05 November 2006, 22:03
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by Stoo
(BTW, I have a friend who is the chief electrician at a Lake Huron nuclear power plant. He's working on cranking that puppy up a few notches so that the waste-water heats up our new sea...)
I travel to Chicago every few years in the fall. It's a beautiful city, especially near the waterfront. Who says nothing good can come from a big fire!
Funnily enough the people who actually LIVE in areas where there are nuclear power stations actually want them to stay because they provide their jobs. In Britain most of the nuke power stations are closing down - the people who live by them want them to stay and by God we need them.
05 November 2006, 22:14
Country: Other
Town: Oakley
Boat name: Zerstörer
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF 140
MMSI: 235050131
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 3,931
Your being to realistic now.
Let all the Greenpeace people/Non working/On benefits/CND/Save the Planet Nonces jump on the bandwagon and bump up the tax on bad/naughty nuke power plants that keep the country going so they can keep drawing their benefits. And sod the rest of us.
I agree with you, its not as if we are irresponsible in the Uk with our Nuclear activities. I know we spend a fortune on being safety conscious. And if we are not to pollute the atmosphere with coal/oil/gas fired power stations then we are stuck with Nuclear energy.
Their again we could always teach Seals to cycle water bikes and provide clean energy. Nah maybe that wouldn't work. But having said that I bet some Environmentalist group has thought of that one and got Labour to stump up a One million pound research grant.
06 November 2006, 02:18
Country: Canada
Town: British Columbia
Make: Gemini
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp 2 str
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 2,151
Originally Posted by Biggles
Your being to realistic now.
Let all the Greenpeace people/Non working/On benefits/CND/Save the Planet Nonces jump on the bandwagon and bump up the tax on bad/naughty nuke power plants that keep the country going so they can keep drawing their benefits. And sod the rest of us.
I agree with you, its not as if we are irresponsible in the Uk with our Nuclear activities. I know we spend a fortune on being safety conscious. And if we are not to pollute the atmosphere with coal/oil/gas fired power stations then we are stuck with Nuclear energy.
Their again we could always teach Seals to cycle water bikes and provide clean energy. Nah maybe that wouldn't work. But having said that I bet some Environmentalist group has thought of that one and got Labour to stump up a One million pound research grant.
Perhaps one of these would come in handy (Hudson Bay watershed)
06 November 2006, 02:20
Country: Canada
Town: British Columbia
Make: Gemini
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp 2 str
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 2,151
You might have difficulty finding space for one however (superimposition to scale)
06 November 2006, 03:40
Country: Canada
Town: Tobermory, Canada eh
Boat name: Verius
Make: Zodiac Hurricane 590
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha F150
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,366
Originally Posted by prairie tuber
You might have difficulty finding space for one however (superimposition to scale) 
That's a fine piece of cartographic manipulation there PT...
I have two plans for cheap, clean energy... install tubines in Parliament (or Congress if applicable) and harness the continuous stream of hot air to generate power, or my new favorite...
Treadmills for all the punk-ass gang banger, drug dealers to run on eight hours a day in prison! Hell, we're paying to feed them... Might as well get something in return!
Redneck Stoo
06 November 2006, 12:46
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
The only green energy scheme worth it's salt is tidal power. There has been talk for years about a Severn barrage - they should have built one when they built the 2nd Severn crossing. There is now a possibility that a tidal barrage will be built across from Cardiff.
The tidal flow of the Severn is absolutely massive - over 45'. Apparently a Severn barrage could provide almost 10% of the UK's energy needs - and it's far more reliable than wind!!! Also they can build a road across the top of it.
06 November 2006, 14:09
Country: Other
Town: San Carlos, Mexico
Boat name: INDE
Make: LOMAC 730
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200 Merc.
MMSI: Please press 1
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,688
I really like Stoo's idea of the treadmill. I will pass it on to Sheriff Joe. He likes that sort of thing. Just passed a 20 women chain gang from Maricopa jail ( tent city) cleaning the streets. And yes, they are chained until they start work and from then on there are two guards with shotguns. We LOVE Sherif Joe!!!.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
07 November 2006, 03:11
Country: Canada
Town: British Columbia
Make: Gemini
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp 2 str
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 2,151
Originally Posted by Stoo
That's a fine piece of cartographic manipulation there PT...
Remember that old SCTV skit 'What fits into Russia?'
07 November 2006, 03:38
Country: Canada
Town: Tobermory, Canada eh
Boat name: Verius
Make: Zodiac Hurricane 590
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha F150
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,366
Originally Posted by codprawn
The only green energy scheme worth it's salt is tidal power.
...Assuming you have a tide! Our coasts have 'em of course, but that's about 2500 km in either direction from me!
07 November 2006, 19:28
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
Originally Posted by Stoo
...Assuming you have a tide! Our coasts have 'em of course, but that's about 2500 km in either direction from me!
I'm surprised by how little tidal range we have here. I mean in Canadian geographic terms we are not that far from the bay of fundy where they get serious tidal flow/range but here the tidal range is a metre or so.
Out of the fog......
25 November 2006, 22:05
Country: USA
Town: Cleveland
Make: Nautica Widebody 22
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha 225 4 stroke
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 87
Near Chicago
Hey there, I am a RIBster from Cleveland. You can check out my website at www.rib4charter.com for some pics of my Nautica 22 Widebody.
26 November 2006, 03:17
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
Length: 9m +
Engine: twin 250 Yamaha
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 936
Originally Posted by prairie tuber
You might have difficulty finding space for one however (superimposition to scale) 
Hey Cod, looks like prairie tuber has more shoreline in just ONE of his bays....
It's called Hudson...
And as our friend Cod would likely say.... CLASSIC!!
I better shut up now, you could probably squeeze Ohio in there as well....
26 November 2006, 03:25
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
Length: 9m +
Engine: twin 250 Yamaha
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 936
Originally Posted by Stoo
That's a fine piece of cartographic manipulation there PT...
I have two plans for cheap, clean energy... install tubines in Parliament (or Congress if applicable) and harness the continuous stream of hot air to generate power, or my new favorite...
Treadmills for all the punk-ass gang banger, drug dealers to run on eight hours a day in prison! Hell, we're paying to feed them... Might as well get something in return!
Redneck Stoo
Stoo, outstanding ideas all! The Congress one is especially suitable, after all, them being role models for all the punk ass gang banger wannabes who need a career...
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