Originally Posted by stangx
No leaks but signs on UV damage.
Depending on the damage that might be like painting over flaky paint... So you'll have a really strong top section that pulls on the weaker damaged section and at some point it fails. But if its not badly damaged you may be OK.
Was thinking to go from inside seam to outer rubber edge. There by giving the boat a brand new top half.
Most people apply big rectangular wear patches rather than a whole extra top. That may be for ease...
Would you only glue 2 or 3" of outer and inner edges?
That seems like a crazy idea. You make any loads that are applied to the unglued section be transferred to just 2 or 3" of glue when you could be applying to 12"?
Was reading all handles would come off using a heat gun.
They should. Make sure to go easy with the heat so as not to damage the underlying PVC. Getting a good smooth surface there may be harder - although the bit under the handle will presumably have no UV damage ;-)
assuming you are replacing the handles this is exactly what I mean by applying loads over 3" when 12" is possible...