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Old 17 July 2014, 15:26   #1
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CA DMV boat registration costs

I bought a Intex Seahawk II in 2013, a PVC inflatable with oars about 10' long. Now 2014, I want to put a transom attachment and an outboard on it but CA DMV wants $90. That is about what the boat cost me. Online reading lead me to believe it would only be $29 with a $20 biennial renewal. Anyone who can help me argue to bring the cost down? Below are the fees. I specified on the form I would not take it on lakes so why the Quagga mussel fee? Maybe they want me to pay the Quagga mussel fee retroactive for 2013.

VSL ORIG ------------- $9.00
VSL RENEWAL ------- $20.00
ALT FUEL ------------- $20.00
ALTFL VSL PN -------- $10.00
VSL ORIG PEN ------- $5.00
QMF ------------------ $16.00
VSL REN PEN -------- $10.00
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Old 17 July 2014, 20:16   #2
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They might also be adding in sales tax for the boat and motor. Most states do these days because everyone is buying stuff on the internet and avoiding that. Even so, that couldn't be that much.
I would contact the Ca DMV and ask them why so much. They should give you the details since they are the ones computing. Anything you learn on here may not be true.
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Old 17 July 2014, 20:39   #3
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best solution is to make an appointment and go see them. I had to go in three or four times to get a military surplus zodiac registered and I found the dmv staff to be very helpful. I know that goes against 100 years of common knowledge but they were.

looks they are are charging some fees for the registered vessel coming into existence. not sure about the quagga fee, I remember there might be a exclusion for ocean only boats. and the Alt fuel fee isn't very obvious.

Sucks to have to go in there but it will be the best way.
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Old 17 July 2014, 21:19   #4
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The mussel fee was NOT an option on my last registration. Then again I do take my boat to lakes. They gave me two stickers, but I have no where to put them, as I had to buy holders for the registration to begin with. I wonder if they are enforcing sticker installation? I keep them in a dry bag on the boat.

Think of it this way. The mussels are a HUGE issue, and boats are how it is spread. Since a boat is a luxury and the cause it is only fair that boat owners pay a fee. At the least it might make people more aware of this growing problem.

Boats also carry a county luxury tax since it is not a necessity.

I just checked the California regs and it states that vessels ONLY used in a marine environment are exempt.

"Marine Waters Exemption
Marine water is defined by the Californi
a State Parks Division of Boating and
Waterways (DBW) as coastal and bay wate
rs, which includes Suisun Bay. Owners of
vessels operating in inland waterways, rive
rs, lakes, reservoirs
, wetlands, or the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
claim a marine water exemption.
The owner of a vessel
used only in marine waters
must notify the Department of Motor
Vehicles (DMV) to claim exemption from
the fee upon original ve
ssel registration and
each time the vessel registration is renewed. "
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Old 18 July 2014, 00:17   #5
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Originally Posted by Peter_C View Post
The mussel fee was NOT an option on my last registration. Then again I do take my boat to lakes.
Mine either, but I don't generally do lakes. The additional stickers were a surprise. They're in with the registration slip should I need them, but like Pete, I have no plate on the boat to stick them to (which means they'll stay on for a couple of months and end up in the water or somewhere by the side of the road.

I probably won't file for the exemption as I *may* take it out on a lake (assuming there are any lakes left in NorCal by the end of this summer.)

Pete: Thanks for finding the exemption language.

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