Originally Posted by Siochair
I like the way you caught the splash of the water, even the flash shadow of the droplets add to it. Makes a change from the usual manic trying to avoid any flash shadow.
One of the joys of photography is not just endeavoring to achieve technical competence but eliciting an emotional response as well. Now I would be the last personal to say you were biased about these shots but the fact that they are of your little MRI cleared hero is just co-incidental  
LOL! My photography is all about sappy emotional response rather than technical competence!
Yeah, I'd be the first to admit that I'm biased with that subject. Those shots were during our last 2 1/2 week chemo hospitalization. I had a brand new DSLR and plenty of time...
Seriously though, while I don't really consider myself much of an artist behind the lens, emotional response is what makes art. I think that when you shoot subjects that move you, it shows in the image.